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Stanley Isn't Feeling Well

Guest poopsie1

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Guest poopsie1

Yesterday we came back from five days at the Cape and picked up Stanley and Dan at the kennel. Stanley was fine when we got home but today he's a little off kilter. Nothing specific - he's just not himself. He's eating fine but his nose and ears are a little warm. Can I give him a low dose aspirin (81 mg) or would it be better to wait until tomorrow to see how he's feeling? I hate it when they're sick and can't tell you what's wrong. Thanks,

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Take his temp and if he's running a fever I'd be inclined to give him a baby aspirin/buffered aspirin.


If he's still running a fever tomorrow I'd probably make a vet appt.



Could just be stress or he could have picked something up in the kennel.


Hope he feels better soon!

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Many dogs are not "right" after coming home from the kennel even though nothing is really wrong. If he is eating/peeing and pooping OK, (even a little runny would be "normal"), I'd watch him for a day or 3 & see how he is. But at this point, I would not give him anything but love, hug, kisses and scritches!


They are very senstive.


Let us know how he is.

Edited by RobinM



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Greensleeves

If he's running a little fever, it may be because he's fighting off something he picked up at the kennel. I'd be inclined to leave it be (and let his immune system do its job) unless he spikes a really high fever.

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Guest poopsie1

Last night after I posted he perked up. I gave them both a small marrow bone and in true Stanley fashion he gnawed his way through it and then stole Dan's. :P He then proceeded to bark in my face to let me know it was time for his walk. This morning he ate well and decided to chase Dan a couple of times out in the yard. I don't think he's quite up to par yet but he's definitely doing better. For future reference, I have to pick up some baby aspirin and a thermometer. It's been a long time since I had to take a dog's temp. Is the best way still rectally? Thanks for all your advice and good thoughts.

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Guest SoulsMom

Glad to hear he's feeling better!! Yes, rectally is the best way, though I can never read those things :rolleyes: With Archie or Soul I can usually tell if they are under the weather if their gums are tacky, and not very moist.

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I just saw this. How is Stanley feeling this evening, Anne-Marie? I hope all better.


Yes, temps are best taken rectally. Pilgrim lets out the GSOD at the very approach of a rectal thermometer, silly girl! I also usually check that gums are nice and pink, although sticky gums usually mean they are dehydrated.

Caesar (Black Caesarfire) and Olly (Oregon) the Galgo


Still missing: Nell (spaniel mix) 1982-1997, Boudicca (JRT) 1986- 2004, and the greys P's Catwalk 2001-2008, Murphy Peabody (we failed fostering) 1998-2010 and Pilgrim (Blazing Leia) 2003-2016,

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Guest Greensleeves

You can get an electronic thermometer that will work rectally for less than $5.

Yes, rectally is the best way, though I can never read those things

Well, you have to take it out first, silly! That makes it tons easier! :lol



I forgot to mention in my last post that kennels (and, for that matter, hospitals) are places where there's LOTS of stimulation, and lots of excitement for the dogs to deal with. It's not uncommon for them to be POOPED when they get home. They might sleep a lot, be kind of listless, follow mommy and daddy around more than normal, etc... all until they fall back into the routine at home. I always know that the day after my pack gets back from camp will be pretty restful here at home. :lol

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Guest poopsie1

Stanley is back to his normal self. He was so upset with me last night cuz it was raining and they couldn't be walked. So he took it out on Dan by chasing him again in the yard and sending him running to the deck :lol . There was certainly a lot of noise and action at the kennel - we board them at our greyhound adoption kennel and they're a noisy bunch! I should have realized that Stanley for all his bravado and dominance does not do well with change - he's the one who crawls into the crate when we have a thunderstorm while Dan the timid one runs to the window to see what the noise is all about. I'll pick up an electronic thermometer and some baby aspirin this weekend to have on hand. I'm sure, Gillian, Stanley will be just like Pilgrim when I take his temp. You should see the stinkeye he gives the vet when she does it :angry: . Thanks again, everyone.

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