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Guest EmbersDad

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Guest EmbersDad

i just removed embers fentanyl patch and with it, came whatever fur wasn't shaved off. looks like a botched wax job :-(.is aloe safe to use on the spot where the patch was?




on the bright side, all the brusing is just about gone :yay

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Guest Morgaynn

I don't see why aloe wouldn't be safe..... I've used it on burns and cuts n skined knees (ah the joys of a 9 year old boy and cooking!) without any incident other than healing. As always if yer unsure, call the the vet.

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Ember looks great - wow! :thumbs-up


Aloe should be fine to use. It's very soothing. Just make sure you get the plain stuff without alcohol. I get mine from the health food store.


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I would imagine that alow is safe. I don't know fror sure, though.


But I can tell you that vitamin E oil is safe, and works wonders. I use it on my own dry, cracked skin (bad at this time of the year!), and it's not only very soothing, but it helps heal, and prevent scarring. It's affordable, too - I have seen it at the dollar store! :)

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Guest EmilyAnne

She is definately looking better! I'd go to the health food store and get some all organic aloe, or pick up an aloe plant. Only the best for sweet Ember. :wub:

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