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Kibble Toppings?

Guest Gemma

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Our foster, Peyton, eats Pro Plan lamb and rice. It's what our group provides and he likes it SO much more than what he was on before (it came in a plastic baggy so I don't know what brand it is but it was really smelly). When he first came to us, he was a fussy eater and the kind lady he was kenneled with had noted the same. He came with a big box of stuff from his last home, and this included a lot of canned food. We used this to get him eating, and started cutting down how much wet food he was having whilst increasing the dry. He eats so much better on the Pro Plan but we still need to make his food interesting.


Right now, we give him about 1 TBSP of canned food ontop of his 1.5-2 cups of dry. I also occasionally add some cooked vegetables, rice, pasta if there's any spare, and he gets about half a TBSP of plain yoghurt every evening with dinner. This is working fine, and effectively masks the taste of his arthritis medication, which he isn't too keen on. Oh, he also gets half a teaspoon of olive oil with his meals as he has dandruff.


I am looking for other suggestions as to what I could add to keep things interesting for him. I want to keep him eating this well but I've never fed a fussy dog before and I am a little stumped! I have some canned pumpkin that I can offer, and some raw squash. Is squash okay raw, or should I cook some? We eat peas pretty frequently so I can throw in some of those. Can dogs eat things like spinach or fruits?


I'm not sure if raw food as an occasional treat is an option; I'd have to check with my group's policy on that. We are going to track down some raw meaty bones for his teeth, though.

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Squash should be cooked.


I give mine an egg now and then with their kibble, scrambled. They love it.


Okay, cooked squash it is. :)


We can do scrambled eggs on occasion for him. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Guest lanielovesgreys

I do all kinds of stuff. Sprinkle some cheese, chicken broth is easy. Yesterday I made tuna casserole at home and I put the water from the tuna on top of his kibble. He LOVED it. Sol seems to just need variety.



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Guest Dillymom

Cottage cheese, yogurt, shredded cheese, hard boiled egg, boiled potato, sweet potato, tuna fish, chicken broth, and scrambled egg are all things I've added to Lola's food to keep it interesting.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I add some hot water to the kibble to make "gravy". I have also added canned pumpkin, green beans, plain yogurt and tunafish. My dogs aren't picky but foster Buzz is sometimes hence the "gravy".





*munch* *munch* *munch*


I don't know what they think they're getting, but many greyhounds inexplicably enjoy cabbage.


Wow really? Raw or cooked? I eat cabbage all the time but never thought to give it to my dogs.

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Wow really? Raw or cooked? I eat cabbage all the time but never thought to give it to my dogs.


Raw. We used to keep a head of cabbage in the refrigerator just for the hounds- peel off a leaf and garnish their meal with it.


I think it was Kari over at AAGI that told us once that she has/had a hound that wouldn't eat its meal unless the cabbage leaf was there.


There's absolutely no flavor to it; it must be the crunch! that they enjoy.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

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Guest HeatherDemps

I have a Peyton as well (IG though) and he has acid reflux so I have to be careful about the diet to avoid urping. :) I've found that sprinkling grated Parmesan cheese entices him pretty well and doesn't pack on the pounds either. :) Also, Merrick has a variety of canned foods that are high quality and good as an addition as well.

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Yup, sardines! Just a little goes a long way.


Oo, I love sardines so that will work. I can just keep a can or two around and eat what's left.


I have a Peyton as well (IG though) and he has acid reflux so I have to be careful about the diet to avoid urping. :) I've found that sprinkling grated Parmesan cheese entices him pretty well and doesn't pack on the pounds either. :) Also, Merrick has a variety of canned foods that are high quality and good as an addition as well.


I usually have some cheese on hand so that works! Thanks for the rec re. Merrick, I will pick some up once he finishes his current cans. He's only getting a little so I'm not too worried about his teeth or overall health, but it would be nice to get him onto something that's better quality.


My 2 get fish every day at every meal (canned jack, tuna, or salmon) Yogurt usually, and some meat drippings for flavor (from the crock pot)


It's good to know canned fish is safe. I can easily manage that. :)

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Guest TheDoggfather

Not having read any responses (and admittedly only partially your initial post), I wouldn't add anything. You start doing that and you CREATE a picky eater.


Treats in between meals, on the other hand... are an entirely different subject :gmark

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Any meat product that you've boiled, use the water (cool & skim fat off first). Water from canned meats & fishes works well too (Vienna sausages, tuna, salmon, etc). We also do a little shredded cheese & a little canned tuna every now & then. We do just enough to add some flavor though. Our guys get enough treats as it is!

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Not having read any responses (and admittedly only partially your initial post), I wouldn't add anything. You start doing that and you CREATE a picky eater.


Treats in between meals, on the other hand... are an entirely different subject :gmark


I see your point, but I disagree. I don't believe kibble is a 'complete diet' so I would be adding different things to his dinner just to make sure he's getting a varied, healthy diet, regardless of whether he was turning his nose up or not. Plus, most people I know add a little something to their pups kibble (usually yoghurt, which is why I am asking for more ideas) and don't seem to be having problems with their pups suddenly becoming fussy. I also don't like to supplement beyond things like glucosamine; I'd rather add fresh/cooked food to get added vits/mins in my pets. Even my reptiles only get a calcium supplement. ;)


For treats (when training), he gets the dry kind and whatever I have on hand. Peanut butter is a beloved favourite!

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Not having read any responses (and admittedly only partially your initial post), I wouldn't add anything. You start doing that and you CREATE a picky eater.


Treats in between meals, on the other hand... are an entirely different subject :gmark


I agree because I learned the hard way and then we went away and I was not near a kitchen and I had one that would not eat....


You can get the supplements from a good Diet.

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest lizmego

yep, any canned fish here too. Bought sardines (I think) in tomato sauce. They LOVED it. They don't get it very often, cause of the sodium content. Canned Jack Mackerel is a huge hit, as is canned tuna.

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Guest Dillymom
Not having read any responses (and admittedly only partially your initial post), I wouldn't add anything. You start doing that and you CREATE a picky eater.


Treats in between meals, on the other hand... are an entirely different subject :gmark


I agree because I learned the hard way and then we went away and I was not near a kitchen and I had one that would not eat....


You can get the supplements from a good Diet.


I make it a point feed plain kibble sporatically to keep her from expecting to get something mixed into her food. She's never turned her nose to plain food either and I see the add-ins as a treat for her.




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Guest oldNELLIE

We add all kinds of veggies and fruits, brocolli, carrots, apple, peas, corn, shredded lettice, chicken broth, a splash of milk...usually the sraps from whatever veggie we are having with dinner.

Nellie eats anything, though, and would happily eat her kibble with no add in's. Last night she had 2 pieces of left over eel maki. YUM YUM!

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MY two would eat anything! They eat the kibble plain with warm water some days. Other times I had canned Salmon or Skipjack as a special treat. They LOVE fish! Sometimes I just add a spoon of pumpkin or plain yogurt. It all works...

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