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Back Leg Not Supporting Weight

Guest LindnArden

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Guest LindnArden

Hi all,


Our ten year old grey suddenly today stopped being able to put any weight on his back right leg. He doesn't appear to be in any pain (although he is fairly stoic) the bizarre thing that happens from time to time is the same leg involuntarily (by the look of it) kicks out to the right and shakes almost like a muscle / nerve spasm....Apart from that he seems completely normal, although his bladder control at night recently hasn't been of the highest quality.


We changed his food recently to dry food with extra vitamins mixed with canned dog food as he seemed to be losing weight - this seems to have put some weight back on him and increased his energy levels, even sprinting in the garden which is something he hasn't done for a couple of years


Has anyone seen anything like this ??

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Guest LindnArden

No (although my sister in law lives in Houston!) we live in France....I took him for a short walk this afternoon and he is obviously favouring the other back leg but seems fine when trotting (or whatever it is that greyhouds do) plus he can put enough weight on the bad leg to pee but the bizarre flaring out still happens from time to time.


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