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Request For Positve Thoughts For Murphy Please!

Guest Murphymoo

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Guest Murphymoo

Thanks everyone for your good thoughts. I'm hoping that it's just an old war wound as Scullysmum suggested.


For most of the weekend, I could hardly look at Murph without getting upset, because he seemed so pitiful after his anaesthetic, x-ray and dental. They took 4 x-rays and must have really manipulated his leg to get it where they wanted it - so he was showing definite signs of injury (more so than when he went in!). 4 days on and he's bouncing around like an idiot again, play bowing and nibbling at my fingers when I get home from work and shouting for his dinner. :colgate


We don't know what's round the corner, but while he's good we'll just have to make the most of every minute. We're back in the vets for a check up on Friday and then repeat x-rays in a month or so. We've a holiday booked just before then (my dbf, me and Murph) so as he seems fit we're hoping to go and enjoy ourselves (provided the vet gives us the go ahead) - we'll just keep the walks short.

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Guest Murphymoo

We went for our check up and it was all good news! :colgate Murphy's limp seems to have disappeared and when the vet felt his shoulder and stretched it out, he said that it felt much better. The vet had been on a course since he took the x-ray and I think they had discussed Murphy's x-ray while they were there! He said that the consensus is that it is not a tumour, just an irregularity in his bone structure, probably caused during his racing days.


Because of the vet's opinion, the fact that Murph seems as fit as a fiddle and also the fact that if it is a tumour there is little that we could do because of where it is situated, we have decided to give the extra x-ray a miss. He looks so rotten when he's been under anaesthetic, that I'm just not prepared to put him through it without a really good reason.


Who knows whats round the corner for any of us? For now, we're enjoying every moment and really looking forward to our holidays with out the impending doom of more x-rays. Just gotta take this silly grin of my face before they take me away! :colgate:colgate


Thanks for all your positive thoughts - they definately helped me stay strong when it was looking grim. It's so great to be able to tell people who you KNOW will understand. Murphy isn't just my dog - he's my baby! :colgate Thanks everyone!

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Sending more prayers that what was bothering your sweet baby never comes back again! :grouphug


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We will keep Murphy and you in our prayers but that sounds like GREYT news!!!!

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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