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Belly Wrap Question

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

Is it safe to leave our furbabies alone with a disposable diaper? Would it harm them if they managed to get the belly wrap off and eat the diaper? I know there's a lot of chemicals in there that help the diaper absorb.


I have cloth diapers too, but Henry pees HUGE amounts, so I don't think they'd absorb enough.

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I wouldn't leave him in a disposable Emily. He could pull it off and eat it and there's so much stuff in those diapers that I'm afraid they might set off another round of seizures. Try putting several cloth diapers in there and see if it's enough to keep him dry while you're gone. Maybe take him for a pee break just before you leave and if you're going to be gone just a short amount of time, pull up his water. He's drinking more than he needs right now any way.

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Guest EmilyAnne

That's a good idea doing multiple cloth diapers. I'll just really pack them in there. Right now he is so confused, I take him out, he doesn't pee. Then almost as soon as he comes in, he'll pee.


He rarely gets left alone due to the fact that neither me or hubby work outside the house. Mostly I'm worried about night time. Though he sleeps in our room, I still worry he'd eat it while we were sleeping.

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When we were housebreaking Fuzzy, I put a small white towel, folded over in the belly band. He didn't mark, but he did leak for a while and the towel caught the drips.

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