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Possible Uti...things To Do?

Guest Layla_mom

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Guest Layla_mom

I think Layla has a UTI. I'm taking her to the Vet today. They didn't specify, but should I bring in a urine sample? How the heck am I going to get one??!!


Also, has anyone else dealt w/ a UTI in their dog? Does it present other symptoms besides the straining/frequent/uncomfortable urination?


She's presenting with other things like - hot to touch (possible fever), very lethargic, not eating, whimpers at touch sometimes, and just generally unhappy. I feel awful for her. I've been giving her cranberry pills to hopefully help with the infection. Because of all her weird symptoms, at this point, i'm actually hoping it's just a UTI that can be treated w/ antibiotics, and not something a lot worse.

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Hoping for the best!! UTI's can be very painful. The will need a urine sample and need to culture. But they can get the sample, not the most comfortable but they can do it. Poor little girl, please keep us posted and we'll be thinking about Layla this morning! And just like us, they can develop a low grade fever

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest HeatherDemps

I had a boy hound, so it was fairly easy to get samples. :) You can use an old plastic container with a lid, wait for the dog to start to pee, then mid-stream, put the container underneath. They don't need a full container though! :) When Dempsey would get UTIs, they'd prescribe Clavamox and I'd start to see a difference fairly soon. For Dempsey, when he didn't have an infection, he'd take awhile to find the perfect spot to pee on, then when he'd have UTIs, he'd go as soon as he hit the grass. Other sign besides the peeing more often and greater amounts was drinking more water.


Hope your sweetie feels better soon!

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Guest celticfairiemom

Callie has a bladder infection. She was peeing a lot and unknowingly wetting her bed or the rug when she was sleeping. She was also warm to the touch and licking and rubbing herself constantly. I bought a disposable pie pan and once she started to pee I just slid it under her and caught some of it. She did two weeks on amoxicillen but 4 days off the meds and it started up again. I am bringing them another sample today and picking up a different medicine to try now.

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Guest greytexplorer

awww poor Layla, uti's suck (personal experience) :(

My method of urine collection:

get a flat bowl and use it only for this purpose. When L starts to pee, shove it under her bum. It takes 2 people to do this, one to hold the leash, and one to maneuver the bowl. Get a ziploc bag and write pup's name, date and time on bag with permanent marker. Pour urine into bag.

My vet has since given me a couple of "catch jars" with lids to use. You might want to ask for one or two to have on hand.

If they need a "first catch of the morning" do the same thing if you can. I can't, so I had to board my pup overnight once and let them handle it.

Let me reiterate: UTIs are horrible. It hurts. It burns. It stings. It is misery. If anyone reading this post thinks their dog might have one, PLEASE I BEG YOU, take him/her to vet IMMEDIATELY. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200. Culturing a sample is also a wonderful idea, b/c it gives the vet more insight as to what bugs are causing the problems, and which antibx are most effective to kill the infection.

Hugs to Layla,


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Guest CindiLuvsGreys

Poor baby. When my girl had a UTI I took a plastic frisbee and stuck it under her when she started to pee to get the sample. They can "go in" and get a sample but that hurts, much better if you can do it the other way. I hope your baby is feeling better soon.

Edited by CindiLuvsGreys
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Ouch! A UTI!


I'm probably way to late ... but yes the morning sample is best. I use a clean (dog urine only) plastic ladle to catch the girl's. Wait for them to squat and shove the ladle under. I then transfer to a clean (read just out of the dishwasher) screwtop jar if I don't have the vet-provided container at hand.


Note the exact time, and tell the vet whether you have refrigerated the sample or not.


Hope your pupper is OK.



Caesar (Black Caesarfire) and Olly (Oregon) the Galgo


Still missing: Nell (spaniel mix) 1982-1997, Boudicca (JRT) 1986- 2004, and the greys P's Catwalk 2001-2008, Murphy Peabody (we failed fostering) 1998-2010 and Pilgrim (Blazing Leia) 2003-2016,

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My method of urine collection:

get a flat bowl and use it only for this purpose.


I find pie pans work well for this. I use an old one that I don't use for anything else. But a disposable aluminum pan would work well, too.

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest D_MansMommy

Well, now you know how to catch a sample. I have to say I am an expert with UTI's. Donovan had a few but TC had a major case. Urine samples, cultures, x-rays and ultra-sounds and it went on for months :( Then Burpdog suggested filtered water. Thank you :yay TC was on antibiotics for 6 weeks. After the filtered water he was fine and so is Donovan. Only filtered water for us now :)

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