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Guest Liz

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Miss Tess and Lady Chauncey were out in the yard Thursday morning and what did they see but a cat that had gotten into the yard well of course they took off after it. Dh said they had it cornered 3 times but they never hurt it, anyway Miss Tess twisted her leg, by Friday morning she was crying in pain with it and it has started swelling. We went to the vet and had xrays which were negative no broken bones etc. Tess came home with a pressure bandage and were told it would heal in about a week, well over the weekend her shoulder started to swell above the bandage so Monday morning we went back to the vet for more xrays again nothing but the vet is confused as to why the shoulder started swelling because there didnot seem to be any issues with the shoulder on Friday, the vet also saw a red spot on her belly that she was not sure of so now we are waiting on blood tests. Tess is now on pain pills twice a day and an antiboitic. Does anyone know what this red spot could be? it looks like a a broken blood vessel? Has anyone else ever had their grey get hurt like this? I posted this on the wrong forum so hopefully someone can give us some advice. Thanks

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I am so sorry that Tess got hurt. Please let us know what her lab work says. Sending my prayers and hugs for Tess. :grouphug


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Was her foot swollen as well as the shoulder? If so the pressure bandage may have been too snug.

Hopefully it is just a sprain and like us it will just take time. Keep us posted.



CAROL & Molleigh (Queen Molly)
My Angel Girl (Slippy's Molly) ~ Thank you for sending me your namesake ~

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Was her foot swollen as well as the shoulder? If so the pressure bandage may have been too snug.

Hopefully it is just a sprain and like us it will just take time. Keep us posted.

This was my first thought as well. I've been down the road so many times with bandages being too tight. We've had quite a few muscle pulls and they just take time and lots of rest to heal. You and Tess are in our thoughts.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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