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Ty's Uti Problem Update - Further Update In First Post

Guest Cara_Lea

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Guest caiteag

Ty had a vet appointment this morning. The last culture we did on his urine showed a lot of bacterial growth again. He had to go with a full bladder (oh boy was THAT a challenge!) and our vet used a syringe to extract urine directly from his bladder. She wants to find out where the bacteria is coming from.. whether the infection is in his bladder or if the urine is picking up the bacteria on the trip out of his body. They checked the gravity again, and it was 1.050 and so now we wait for the culture.


Update August 13: The urine take directly from Ty's bladder is "clean". No bacterial growth on the culture at all. So the urine is picking up the bacteria on the way out of his body. I now have a tube of panolog ointment and I will be administering it once a day. The vet said we didn't HAVE to treat with it, but her concern was the the bacteria would work it's way back up to the bladder potentially. I am NOT looking forward to doing this one.. I am not sure if he is going to be looking at me all doe eyed or if he's going to freak out on me...

Edited by caiteag
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Guest caiteag
what were the shots in his bum for?


Those were his vaccines.. he actually had an appointment for his shots next week, but I had his vet do them today rather than make 2 trips in 2 weeks.

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Guest caiteag
ah good idea. When will you know the results? what are his symptoms? I have never had a dog get a UTI


Our vet will call in the morning with the results of the culture. His symptoms were pretty vague... peeing a lot... accidents in the house well after house training should be finished...

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Guest mzmazzei

This is how our odessey with Fiona into Cushings Disease started. UTIs, increased drinking/peeing, lethargy and low gravity meant she wasn't concentrating her urine. Ask your vet if Ty has any other symptoms of Cushings Disease or Diabetes Insipidus...Hopefully not.


Ty had a vet appointment this morning. The last culture we did on his urine showed a lot of bacterial growth again. He had to go with a full bladder (oh boy was THAT a challenge!) and our vet used a syringe to extract urine directly from his bladder. She wants to find out where the bacteria is coming from.. whether the infection is in his bladder or if the urine is picking up the bacteria on the trip out of his body. They checked the gravity again, and it was 1.050 and so now we wait for the culture.


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Guest caiteag
Any news from the vet about TyTy?


Yup. No sign of bacteria in the urine taken directly from the bladder... so this means it is being picked up on the way out of his body. I have to go up and pick up some ointment from her today or tomorrow and apply it daily. I don't know much more than that right now as I didn't actually talk to her.. she left a message on my machine. I will update when I know more.


This is how our odessey with Fiona into Cushings Disease started. UTIs, increased drinking/peeing, lethargy and low gravity meant she wasn't concentrating her urine. Ask your vet if Ty has any other symptoms of Cushings Disease or Diabetes Insipidus...Hopefully not.


I will certainly ask about that. Thank you.

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Guest p51crazyhorse

eeew TMI!!! I know how that kindof thing is though..... you have to clean boy horses "parts" everyonce and a while, some really like it :D and some really hate it :POed ........ and I have 4 boy horses..... ick.... :sick:puke

Good luck, hope you have gloves :blink:

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