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Liver Problem?

Guest RooBabies

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Guest myjazzy

I'm so glad you went to the new vet. It sounds like Ronnie will be fine in no time. Right now I would be so angry at the other vet... :angryfire Besides being rude and alarmist, it sounds like she's also incompetent.


Lots of good thoughts and white light that Ronnie is back to normal very soon.

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If this doesn't work, please try to not panic. He may need a different antibiotic. We went through this with with our Rita. Dark orange urine, highly concentrated, had bacteria.


She took the usual antibiotics but was no better in 3 weeks, so we did a urine culture and sensitivity after being off antibiotics a few days. Sure enough, she was on the wrong meds; she had a funky proteus mirabilis UTI instead of the usual kind, whatever that is. After we found the right antibiotic via the culture and sensitivity she was fine.


I'm a big fan of urine culture and sensitivity tests. :)



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Guest RooBabies

We have the "big" antibiotic. The vet said there are "rods" in the culture so she gave us the big expensive broad spectrum stuff so hopefully we can clear it up quickly.

I'm still getting up with him at night and taking him out cause I know he can't hold it. But amazingly he seems to be ok all day while I'm at work, we put paper down for him just in case.

I'm really mad at the first vet. She could have given us the same info from those test results and wouldn't because she wanted to run more tests! My boy would have had to wait for weeks to get any treatment!

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We have the "big" antibiotic. The vet said there are "rods" in the culture so she gave us the big expensive broad spectrum stuff so hopefully we can clear it up quickly.

I'm still getting up with him at night and taking him out cause I know he can't hold it. But amazingly he seems to be ok all day while I'm at work, we put paper down for him just in case.

I'm really mad at the first vet. She could have given us the same info from those test results and wouldn't because she wanted to run more tests! My boy would have had to wait for weeks to get any treatment!


I'm so glad the problem is solved and it's nothing more serious! Shame on that other vet for scaring you so badly. :angryfire Hope everything clears up and Ronnie is back to his normal self soon! :colgate


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Guest FullMetalFrank

You know, from the very first post I was thinking UTI; and I am so glad that turns out to be the culprit. Why your first vet did not catch that, who knows but I am glad you have some answers and a course of action now! Hope the antibiotics kick in and Ronnie is as good as new. (I just recently recovered from a UTI myself, Ronnie has my sympathy, poor guy!)

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If this doesn't work, please try to not panic. He may need a different antibiotic. We went through this with with our Rita. Dark orange urine, highly concentrated, had bacteria.


She took the usual antibiotics but was no better in 3 weeks, so we did a urine culture and sensitivity after being off antibiotics a few days. Sure enough, she was on the wrong meds; she had a funky proteus mirabilis UTI instead of the usual kind, whatever that is. After we found the right antibiotic via the culture and sensitivity she was fine.


I'm a big fan of urine culture and sensitivity tests. :)



Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest doggiehappiness

Thankfully, Ronnie is okay! Your first vet (the mean one) sounds horrible. Why would a vet be so insensitive??? I had a vet like that for my ferret and I hated her. She's been saying my ferret has been dying since she was three. She's seven now. I finally told the reception people that I only wanted to work with the "good" vet and I won't use the other one anymore (they work together, but one is great and the other is...not great.)


Good luck with the antibiotics, and I hope the UTI clears up soon.

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