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Need Help With Weight Loss Diagnosis

Guest Glorygirl

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Guest CyndiW

Please consider the ultrasound and you will want a specialist or someone who does a lot of them to do it so that nothing is missed. Both of my greys that have had weight loss had a much bigger problem going on (cancer) but their weight loss was much more extreme over a much shorter period of time. Ultrasounds by a specialist usually run around $300 for us and that includes the consult but I am sure this cost varies according to regions. Hopefully, it is just age and she is not absorbing the food as well. All of mine are seniors and they maintain a great weight on Eagle Pack Holistic.

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Guest Glorygirl

My plan is to get through the holiday weekend starting with the new food. On Tuesday I will take her to my Vet to weigh in (doggie Weight Watchers? :blush ). If she has at least remained the same, then I at least have a positive change and I can schedule the ultra sound then. Little at a time here. Thanks for everyone's support....now...about that 14 yr old daughter and her messy room...! :rolleyes:

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Guest HersheysMom
Please consider the ultrasound and you will want a specialist or someone who does a lot of them to do it so that nothing is missed. Both of my greys that have had weight loss had a much bigger problem going on (cancer) but their weight loss was much more extreme over a much shorter period of time. Ultrasounds by a specialist usually run around $300 for us and that includes the consult but I am sure this cost varies according to regions. Hopefully, it is just age and she is not absorbing the food as well. All of mine are seniors and they maintain a great weight on Eagle Pack Holistic.


Yes - I didn't want to sound scary in my earlier post, but it **could** be cancer, which can be detected on an ultrasound. When I say we had the exact same scenario, I really mean it. My boy started losing about 3-4 lbs a month at age 11, for about eight months - bloodwork was completely normal aside from a very slight low white blood cell count. We tried all sorts of high calorie food for months and nothing worked. In fact, then the weight loss suddenly increased to a few pounds a week. At this point he had become very ill, although the only thing remarkable upon physical exam was that he flinched upon pressing his abdomen. The ultrasound revealed nodules on his liver and spleen. By the time we got to this point it was almost too late. I wish we had done that ultrasound sooner. I am only saying this to provide the encouragement that he is being treated now and has gained weight again - three pounds in one week, in fact, because he is finally receiving treatment.


There could be all kinds of reasons for the weight loss, especially in seniors, and that's what's so frustrating - I really really understand your frustration and am very sympathetic. I know that when they did an ultrasound on my boy they were also looking for inflammation and IBD because they just didn't know. I hope you can find the answer or rule things out with an ultrasound. You are doing a wonderful job trying to get to the bottom of this - you are a great mom!



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Guest HersheysMom

I've been thinking about this little girl all weekend. I hope she maintained her weight over the weekend and is doing well. Bumping the post, hoping for an update.

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Guest paulamariez

Keeping your sweet girl in my prayers. Wondering how she's doing with her new chow. Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending her some doggie kisses too!

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I just saw this and wanted to make a suggestion. What you're going thru sounds exactly like what I went thru with Patsie. Blood tests, x-rays and she also had abdominal pain. I had a full ultra-sound done...the doc started with her liver, spleen, kidneys and stomach thinking he'd find a tumor because of her stomach pain when palpated so when he couldn't find a thing he looked at her heart. The problem was in the heart and he diagnosed her with cardio myopathy. She takes enalapril once a day and is a new dog!!!! She had lost 10lbs and is now back to a good weight...well maybe a little on the chunky side :blush She was a little over 11 years old at the time and I was scared for the little girl. She just turned 12 this month and acts like a 2 year old, and gives all the big young boys a run for their money. :lol


If I remember right the ultra-sound wasn't real expensive, it's non-invasive( she did need to be sedated because she was being a pain in the rear :blink: ) and without the ultra-sound we all would still be wondering what the problem was, because her heart sounded good when 2 docs listened. It never occurred to them that it could be the problem and the u-s showed that the heart wasn't pumping the blood correctly.


I would definitely go with the ultra-sound. Also I didn't read the whole thread but I supplemented Patsie's kibble with Satin balls or "fat burgers" is what I call them here. It stimulated her appetite, helped put her lost weight on plus some, and made it easy to hide her pill.

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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Guest Glorygirl

:D UPDATE!!!!! We had the ultrasound this afternoon. Can I tell you that (present reading company excluded) I have the best, sweetest dog in the world! They picked her up, laid her on her side, shaved her and completed the ultrasound without ANY sedative. NOTHING! She was so incredible well behaved. The results of the ultrasound show nothing. Whew! I was so afraid of "C-word." The only thing that the consulting Vet said was that her heart looked a little large on the x-ray. So it could very well be heart related. I can deal with that! The other thing I did late last week, was start her on Taste of the Wild. When they weighed her this afternoon she was already up to 68lbs! I was reminded that she was weighed on a different scale...at a different Vet....but as far as I am concerned this is progress! Next step is to talk to the Vet about her heart and diagnosis.


I cannot express my appreciation to all of you for your suggestions and words of encouragement. The ultrasound was $320, bringing the total for the past two weeks up to $500, but in the scheme of things and for piece of mind, it is priceless. My poor sweetness has been viewed inside and out, but I feel good that everything looks as good as it does for 11 years old. :bighug and :dogcookie all around.



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