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Sentinel Vs. Revolution

Guest GreyFox

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Guest GreyFox

We've had Doodles on Sentinel since we got her a year and a half ago. Our vet clinic is promoting Revolution and so far I like what I hear about it ... it protects against more parasites (fleas, heartworm, roundworm, ear mites, mange mites, ticks), is easy to apply and is less expensive than Sentinel.


We're waiting for the results of Doodles heartworm test and will be starting her back on preventative on June 1st, so I have a couple of weeks to contemplate whether we continue with Sentinel or switch to Revolution.


Has anyone had any experience with Revolution (good, bad, or ugly)? If any of you have made the switch from Sentinel to Revolution, I would be particularly interested in your experience.



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Guest spudlover

We're actually considering doing the reverse - we've been on Revolution, with absolutely no problems, but our vet prefers Sentinel. Her thinking is that it's more effective against whipworms, which she feels are an ongoing battle for a lot of greys. It doesn't give the protection against ticks that Revolution does, but until tick-borne diseases make their way up here (we're also in Ottawa), she thinks it better to go after the whips. Now we're all confused, eh!

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Guest CBDTherapyDogs

Sentinel provides birth control for fleas, as well as preventing heartworms, round worms, hook worms, and whip worms.


Revolution as per thier website, prevents heartworms, kills adult fleas and prevents thier eggs (laid on the pet) from hatching, treats and controls ear mites, treats and controls sarcoptic mange, and controls the American Dog Tick. That's it.

It does *NOT* prevent hooks and rounds and whips. It does prevent hooks and rounds in CATS, but NOT DOGS.


If you use Sentinel AND Frontline Plus, you will get more protection than you would from Revolution alone. Frontline also kills 4 species of ticks, not one. Frontline Plus kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvea on the pet. Frontline Plus also helps treat and control biting lice - aka mange / mites.


When I apply the Frontline, I put a dot on the back of each ear, next to the head, then spread the rest out from the head to the tail. I don't have problems with fleas, ticks, intestinal worms, or HW's... and I have brought home SEVERAL HW+ rescues and had them around all of my guys with no problems.


Now if you happen to have a rescue that comes in that is severely covered in mange... then I would say to use BOTH Revolution AND Frontline Plus to combat the pesky mites and win, along with using a dose of Panacur to prevent any hooks and rounds. If you don't have a mangy dog.... Sentinel and Frontline Plus simply cover more.

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We use Revolution, tried Sentinel, Clark wouldn't eat the tablets even with cream cheese on them. Dreamy and Gypsy would only take them with cream cheese. We are back to Revolution much easier. There are others in our group that use it also.

Sue ,Sky and Dood, Bridge angels Clark, Gypsy, Dreamy and Sneakers, Oshkosh,WI Heartbound Greyhound Adoptionsept2013sigcopy_zps8ad6ed09.jpg<p>

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Guest Snazzy_Chloe

I use Sentinel and Frontline plus. The dog I have not will not eat them like ones in the past did. So it is open the mouth and push the pill down the hatch. The cost of Frontline + has been going up. The last time the vet charged me $127 for the 6+1 dosages. I called him on it and showed him that the suggested retail price was just over $80, so said he was paying just over that and he credited me the difference. It is tough for vets to compete with internet sales (On this product it was $55-65 for 6 months).

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Guest MaggieMae

I used Frontline Plus and Interceptor for years. Then I tried Sentinal but it did not prevent Ticks. Now with Revolution absolutely no problems!

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