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Guest DarkHorse

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Guest DarkHorse

Just brought my brand-new adopted greyhound Dexter home. He had a sore when we went to pick him up yesterday; seemed to just be a chunk of skin torn out, all white webbing-like flesh and a red rim. Today it's much worse with raw red pits in it, looking like the white part got pulled apart and oozing.





We've put some polysporin on it and a t-shirt and head-cone on him to keep him from licking it and we're likely to take him to the vet tomorrow if it's not improved at all but if anyone recognizes this as something their dog(s) had, I'd like to know if it got better on just antibiotic cream and no licking before I spend the hundred to get told that.


Dexter (and I) thank you!

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I could be just a boo-boo. Greyhound skin tears easily over very simple things. I'd contact your adoption group immediately, and tell them the situation, and ask if they know about it. They might, and tell you it's no biggie. From the pic's ... I really can't see well. but that doesn't look right to me. I'd see a vet.


The T-shirt is a good idea. The head-cone is ok... if the dog can handle it. Some freak out.


I'd definately see the vet from the pic's.




I looked at the pic's again....see the vet. I may not be serious...but that's NOT just a little scrape like I thought before I looked at the pics. And it's NOT normal for a new dog to have. And - DEFINATLY tell your adoption group. It may be a simple fix - but they should know.


Edited by sobesmom
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Guest Rosie_Dozer

Wow that looks nasty ! you just brought him home did they have a vet check the wound ? any info on how it happened ? I can't really tell from the picture, but it looks like the wound has been there awhile. I would see a vet asap.

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Guest Winterwish

Oh boy that needs a veterinarian's attention right away I'd say also!


That looks like it may need to be debrided even. Poor pup! Sending get well wishes to Dexter. :hope:hope

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Get some granulex- it will fix it up in no time. All that dead tissue needs to come off as winterwish said. Scrub, scrub, scrub if you dont' have the granulex. Use a clean piece of gauze and some chlorhexa derm or betadine scrub and scrub it raw- it sounds wrong but it will help it heal faster. It will soon granulate and you will continue to give it a good scrub a couple of times a day.


Other have used hydrotherapy- I'm less familiar with it and it may work in this case but if it was one of my dogs I would do the above.

Kim, (PW's) Nate Dogg and Chloe (TJ Zorabell) - always in our hearts, (Racey) Benson and Polly (Racey Pauline)


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Guest KennelMom

Wow...an adoption group placed a dog with a wound like that and no word to you about it?!?! That's surprising b/c it does look like it's been there a while. It may be something you could handle at home (see above), but as a new adopter, I'd probably get in to see the vet. They can show you how to properly wash it and wrap it. It also never hurts to have a 'wellness' visit with a new dog, just so your vet can lay hands on the dog before they turn up sick or seriously injured.


eta: I would also contact the adoption group and share those pictures with them!!!

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Guest DarkHorse

Thanks all. We're definitely getting him to the vet as the sore got worse again and we figure it's better to be safe than sorry. Luckily we have a grey-savvy vet just down the road from us so he won't have to sit in the car for long.


As I said, he had the sore when we picked him up but he'd had a full vet check-up about a week or so before that and he was fine then, so it's not more than two weeks old and likely less as nobody had seen it before we picked him up and that would likely (hopefully) be something someone would notice. The guy who runs the rescue thought it might be just that he'd scraped it in his cage/crate and told us to put some DermaGel (I think) on it and keep him from licking it. That was, of course, before it got worse. We tried just the t-shirt but he licked at it over that anyway so we had to use the cone as well; he seems to not mind it apart from the discomfort in laying down.


Again, thanks. I know I'm probably panicking a bit but I'd rathe panick then just sit back and maybe end up with a very infected sore.

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Guest trevdog

It may have been a small scrape and then made worse by him licking it. I have one that does that, just a matter of minutes managed to make a small sore a huge hole in his elbow....I'd get to a vet's for a check up as well.

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Guest Winterwish
... I know I'm probably panicking a bit but I'd rathe panick then just sit back and maybe end up with a very infected sore.


You are not panicking. I think this needs immediate veterinary attention.


Also,it's important to keep in mind,many's the dog,and specifically greyhound,who does not reveal discomfort,but that doesn't mean it doesn't bother,or hurt them.

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Guest DarkHorse

Got some good news; the group I got Dex from is going to take him to their vet and treat him and take care of him until he's better for us. I was worried about it as I can't be around him all the time to make sure he's not banging it around or even somehow managing to lick it. It also means that someone with experience with greyhounds will be watching him.


He's been a real champ about it; barely whimpering and still trying his hardest to get around. He's limping on the leg, though, and using it as little as possible so it's obviously hurting him.


We're taking him over around six. Crossed fingers that this clears up fast so I can get him back ASAP!

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Guest Winterwish

Whew that's a relief! Good job DarkHorse,and I hope Dexter is on the way to complete healing. :getwell:dogcookie


Just a suggestion,it may be very important to wash Dexter's bedding and things he's come in contact with.

Tough to assess and do,but the apparent rapidity and depth of that ulcer may point to a contaminant that may be contagious on contact,especially if you or your other grey have an open wound somewhere,however tiny.

It may not be,and that may be overstating things,but I still think it's important if you can manage it.

Just a tip on that - you may also want to add a 1/2 cup of bleach tothe water before putting the bedding in the washer. (so you don't bleach stain the items)

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Yup, it's always a good idea to contact your adoption group if something concerns you like that (he's there to help you!!!). I can assure you that Dex did not have that injury on Wednesday when I did turnout so it is very new.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


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