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Deer Flashy,


Ma gud frend.


I habs had ma choppers shined last year, and ma vetimarian was very worryied about me on accounta everytime der was a noise, I try to start a race!! She habs had Mommy come get me, and take ma temperchur (up ma BUTT!) every howr. It was hoomiliating, and plus also, I hab only nown Mommy for WON WEEK.


But I got to eat and drink all I wanted. Maybee did yu get a toofer pulled?


Do KNOT worry. By da time yu reed this, yu will probably be bursting wiff ice creem and stuff on accounta I no yur Mommy is reel sweet on yu!




Yur buddy,




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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His teeth look great!!


Scrambled eggs are a good idea....two of mine are getting dentals tomorrow, so I will keep that in mind!

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Yes George...Flashy had 3 extractions and he has a lot of sutures. I am writing this for him this morning as he is kind of out of it. He ate a good breakfast but very slowly and got his pain meds and antibiotics. He has not drank water yet this morning. His little face has some redness and swelling and it makes him look so different especially across his nose...he no longer has a needlenose. This morning Pavé hit him in the face with her fierce tail and he did the GSOD and I know that she did not mean to hurt him...but it did hurt. Dr. Bobbie will be calling us this morning for an update. :blush The good news is...he slept well all night...no craziness or barking...stumbling around or anything...sure made a huge difference in his case cutting out the morphine!


His teeth look great!!


Scrambled eggs are a good idea....two of mine are getting dentals tomorrow, so I will keep that in mind!

Sending our prayers. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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