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Red Spots Just Appeared On Laddies Rear Legs And Weenie Area

Guest amn70

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Guest amn70

I just brought Laddie back from the park and was checking him for ticks and noticed a bunch of dark red spots on him. I am sure they were not there earlier. The pic is below. They are not raised or have any sort of texture. They seem to be under the skin. He does not seem to have any discomfort whatsoever from them. Found no ticks on him BTW. Before I panic and run him to the vet does anyone have any ideas?





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Guest lotsagreys4me

Geez, that is puzzling. Could he have lifted his leg to potty very close to a bush that he is allergic to?? I will be watching this thread to see what others have to say. Does it seems to be bothering him, itching, etc?

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Guest amn70
Geez, that is puzzling. Could he have lifted his leg to potty very close to a bush that he is allergic to?? I will be watching this thread to see what others have to say. Does it seems to be bothering him, itching, etc?



No he did not make contact with any bushes today though he may have yesterday now that I think of it but not right in that area. Rubbed his side maybe but thats it. It does not seem to be bothering him at all. He is not licking at it or anything at this point.


I just realized, I posted Laddies weenie on the Internet. I guess I am going to be arrested for Doggie Porn :)

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Look at some of the past threads, I hope that this helps you.


(BTW - I laughed out loud when I read "weenie area" :) ) I know, I know, I think I have heard too many bathroom jokes from my kids lately :lol:

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest amn70

Hannahsmom, I thought maybe bug bites as well but I wonder why only in that area of his body.


Kamsmom, I checked out that thread you posted and the pictures associated with it and they are not the same kind of marks as Laddies has. Laddies are small with very smooth borders, some almost perfect circles.

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Go to the search option and type in "red spots", there are several other threads I just grabbed one to get you started...

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest amn70

yeah I found another one. From the postings of that thread it seems its definitely either black flies or gnat bites. I will keep an eye on them. They should fade over the next few days.


Between the thin Grey skin and Laddies lack of hair down there I guess everything stands out. On my late Collie Watson I would never have even seen it because everything was so covered in hair :)

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Guest hannahmom
Hannahsmom, I thought maybe bug bites as well but I wonder why only in that area of his body.


Kamsmom, I checked out that thread you posted and the pictures associated with it and they are not the same kind of marks as Laddies has. Laddies are small with very smooth borders, some almost perfect circles.



If they are black flies, I only ever see are the ones on bare bellies and in their genital area because they have no fur there - but when I go looking, there are more that are not as immediately obvious.

Hope your baby is feeling better

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Guest outofsighthound

My girl has these in spring summer....bug bites. They will fade away.

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Both of ours have the same exact thing. It started about a week or so ago with the warm weather. The gnats are crazy here in South Jersey . They had it then, a couple of days later they started to fade away when they were mostly in the house due to rain and us out on the week end running around so they didn't get out in the yard as much. They like to hang in the yard and lay in the grass and dig their holes. This week it's been warm and it started up again with them being in the yard. So I'm thinking it's either the gnats or the grass or heat related . Don't think it's medical because both came up with it the same time. Not sure. Doesn't seem to bother them. Their not scratching or licking. But anyway they are both going to the vet on the 6th so I'll have him check it out and see what I can do.


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