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Cyclosporine Drops For Pannus

Guest greytmonty

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Guest greytmonty

Our opth vet just switched Monty from Prednisolone drops to Cyclosporine drops for his Pannus, due to some calcium deposits in one of his eyes which might be from the Pred. He warned us that they might irritate Monty's eyes. Then the bill came..... $70 for a TINY BOTTLE. :eek

Monty seems to hate the drops. He rubs his eyes with his paws or on his bed. He looks "squinty" kind of like his eyes hurt. We have used them three times so far. I have a call into the opth vet.

Did anyone have any experience like this with their dog?

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Guest greytmonty

The opth vet just left a message saying to try them thru' the weekend and to see if he tolerates them better over time. The other option is a Cyclosporine ointment. I am sure that is also very expensive and I fear it would be no better.

I will check back here to see if anyone else has had any problems.

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Guest ss556

I had the same problem with Alan a few years ago. He didn't like the oil based cyclosporine - vegetable, olive or mineral. He always had stains around his eyes as well. It was quite expensive too. He was switched to tacro and now is one prednisolone sodium phosphate only.

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Guest greytmonty
I had the same problem with Alan a few years ago. He didn't like the oil based cyclosporine - vegetable, olive or mineral. He always had stains around his eyes as well. It was quite expensive too. He was switched to tacro and now is one prednisolone sodium phosphate only.

Did he have any eye side effects from the Pred drops?

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Did he have any eye side effects from the Pred drops?


You can't use pred if there are <some> other problems in the eyes (Solomon couldn't have them). Ask the vet if there are other preparations available. I know it's been a few years, but I think the bottle was around $40 for the cyclosporine drops.

Diane & The Senior Gang

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Guest tampagreymom

My girl Jade has been diagnosed with Pannus for about a year. She is on alternating days of Prednisolone one day and Cyclosporin the next. At first she had the same reaction to the Cyclosporine-rubbing her eyes and squinting. She also developed red areas in the outside corners of both eyes. I ended up switching pharmacies and having to ask for the least reactive oil base. Eventually she tolerated the drops much better and is now fine with them. I think it takes them a while to get used to the drops. I never noticed any reaction to the Prednisolone. Good luck to you and your Monty.

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Guest JudiK

Just nosey - both Pere and my foster Thor are doing fine on the Pred... but since we drive to Philly to see their eye Doc, I'm wondering if we see the same one - Dr. Gross?

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Guest Temira

Chewie was diagnosed with Pannus 3-4 months ago. He takes pred and the cyclosporine drops. He gets tearstains, but that's it. The cyclosporine is about $45 from the optho vet. I haven't priced it at the pharmacy yet.

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Guest greytmonty
Just nosey - both Pere and my foster Thor are doing fine on the Pred... but since we drive to Philly to see their eye Doc, I'm wondering if we see the same one - Dr. Gross?

Yes that is who we see. He is my least favorite at Penn, but I don't want to be mean here.

He changed Monty off the Pred due to small calcium deposits in one eye likely from the Pred. However Monty is doing so badly on the Cyclosporine I am probably going to have to switch him back.


Just checking in to see how Monty is doing.

Thanks for asking. he is very sore and tear-y after his drops and still is rubbing his eyes. I am probably going to change back to the original drops and just eat the $70. augh.

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I don't know how your vet works, but a lot of vets will price match the online pharmacy prices which is a big savings. Might be worth checking. Hoping Monty gets some relief soon !!


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Guest NikeAB
Our opth vet just switched Monty from Prednisolone drops to Cyclosporine drops for his Pannus, due to some calcium deposits in one of his eyes which might be from the Pred. He warned us that they might irritate Monty's eyes. Then the bill came..... $70 for a TINY BOTTLE. :eek

Monty seems to hate the drops. He rubs his eyes with his paws or on his bed. He looks "squinty" kind of like his eyes hurt. We have used them three times so far. I have a call into the opth vet.

Did anyone have any experience like this with their dog?

Nike has been on Optimmune for the four years we have had him and he seems fine with it. It is a cyclosporin oinment and he comes right to me when I grab the tube. I have noticed his eyes have gotten worse over the years but then again so have mine. Nike turned 9 in January. A 3.5g tube is $40.00 at my vet.

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Guest BleusysMom

I have also used "Optimmune" for Wendell for 3 1/2 years. The Optimmune IS Cyclosporin in an ointment form. We did try a higher % of Cyclosporin in the oils---from the Opthamoligist that product 'drove Wendell nuts-like it is your Monty.' I stopped it immediately, went back to the Optimmune and all is FINE! His yearly check-ups have kept him at the same stage.


The Optimmune cpst $40-50 from the Opthamologist, but from a local vet I can get it for $32 per tube, and I have seen that Omahavaccine.com sells it for $21 per tube!!!! One small tube usually lasts almost a month...depending on how careful I am in putting it in his eyes.....


Good Luck with Monty!!!

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Guest greytmonty
I have also used "Optimmune" for Wendell for 3 1/2 years. The Optimmune IS Cyclosporin in an ointment form. We did try a higher % of Cyclosporin in the oils---from the Opthamoligist that product 'drove Wendell nuts-like it is your Monty.' I stopped it immediately, went back to the Optimmune and all is FINE! His yearly check-ups have kept him at the same stage.


The Optimmune cpst $40-50 from the Opthamologist, but from a local vet I can get it for $32 per tube, and I have seen that Omahavaccine.com sells it for $21 per tube!!!! One small tube usually lasts almost a month...depending on how careful I am in putting it in his eyes.....


Good Luck with Monty!!!

Thanks, I am going to look into getting the optimmune ointment, the drops are killing Monty.

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