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Shanti Ate Cooked Chicken Bones

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In my juggling efforts of sick kid, sick dog, I must not have gotten the compactor closed after I peeled her chicken thighs. She dug in and ate the cooked bones. There were 2 in there. She also stole Trevors banana muffin. :rolleyes:


Should I be concerned? In my mind, cooked bones = bad. I am hoping I am wrong. Lord knows it will give her the runs.

The Girls

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Guest BlackandBrindle

More than likely she'll be fine. Feed her some bread if it makes you feel better, but just watch her for signs of straining or discomfort when pooping. More than likely she'll digest them and you'll not even see it in the output.

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Like you need anything else to worry about right now! I'm sure Shanti will be fine....lord know my dogs where when they raided the trashcan at a party while I was in the bathroom. :rolleyes:

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Guest Winterwish

The banana muffin was a very smart choice to go with her chicken bones! Just the right thing for cushioning as it goes down. :thumbs-up Mary Jo's right,she'll probably be fine. one time my grey ate 2 cooked chicken leg bones and for all I could tell he was fine thank goodness :)



( * Not that cooked chicken bones are okay to eat by any means! * )

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I just was woken up by the famous GSOD! Nothing quite like that to jolt you out of bed! I see nothing visibly wrong. Pushed on all of her she gave me that statue stare. Checked outside with a flashlight. No signs of runs or yuck. I will give her some more bread. This is going to haunt me all night...


I am guessing the prednisone = increased hunger is setting in. :P

The Girls

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Guest vahoundlover

Crap! Hope she's ok! GSOD is bad enough, adding everything else into the mix, I bet your heart about jumped out of your body.

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Crap! Hope she's ok! GSOD is bad enough, adding everything else into the mix, I bet your heart about jumped out of your body.


It did! I didn't know I could move that fast. :P


This morning she is happily roaching in her bed. I will keep an eye on her today.

The Girls

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I just was woken up by the famous GSOD! Nothing quite like that to jolt you out of bed! I see nothing visibly wrong. Pushed on all of her she gave me that statue stare. Checked outside with a flashlight. No signs of runs or yuck. I will give her some more bread. This is going to haunt me all night...


I am guessing the prednisone = increased hunger is setting in. :P

On time Fenway swallowd a raw chicken back whole. He barfed it up at 2am. I went to get a towel to clean it up with, by the time I got back he'd swallowed it whole...again. (not the brightest, huh?) Anyhow, the next day he was SCREAMING when he tried to poo, a nice big, solid poo at that. His tummy couldn't digest the ginormous chicked back and the ribs were poking him as it came out. Yowzers! That was the last time he got chicken backs....but he's fine now.


They keep us on our toes, don't they?

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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I just was woken up by the famous GSOD! Nothing quite like that to jolt you out of bed! I see nothing visibly wrong. Pushed on all of her she gave me that statue stare. Checked outside with a flashlight. No signs of runs or yuck. I will give her some more bread. This is going to haunt me all night...


I am guessing the prednisone = increased hunger is setting in. :P

On time Fenway swallowd a raw chicken back whole. He barfed it up at 2am. I went to get a towel to clean it up with, by the time I got back he'd swallowed it whole...again. (not the brightest, huh?) Anyhow, the next day he was SCREAMING when he tried to poo, a nice big, solid poo at that. His tummy couldn't digest the ginormous chicked back and the ribs were poking him as it came out. Yowzers! That was the last time he got chicken backs....but he's fine now.


They keep us on our toes, don't they?



Still no clue why she screamed. But she seems fine. She is a bit mopey today but tummy is good!


She is a drama queen. Even the vet warns the techs..."careful, this one has gone to drama school". :)

The Girls

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I had two that dined on about 2 chickens worth of cooked bones and crab shell legs when we first got our greyhound. The vet said we needed to facilitate the move OUT and not UP. She had us feed white bread, rice, canned dog food, pumpkin and water or broth to wet it down. She said feed them a lot of this so it would surround the bones and protect her insides as the bones moved out. I fed them that until their poo no longer showed bones. About two days They really seemed to enjoy this diet.


It worked for the greyhound. The little mixed breed had to go to the vet for xrays because she was passing poo. Of course AFTER the xray she pooped all over the table. Took her a couple more days for everything to move through.


After that.....................we got a better trash can.

Mom to Bella, Trinity, Cricket, DB, Dabber and Sidewinder
As well as Gizmo, Miles, Pumba, Leo, Toby, Sugar, Smokey, Molly, Jasmine, Axel, Billy, Maggie-Mae, Duncan, Sam (MH King 2019), Bambi, Stella, Bay and "Gerty the cat" at the Bridge

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Star is my chicken thief or turkey. He has stolen more chicken complete with bone than I care to remember. He also stole a small turkey carcass a few years ago. He was fine. He is very quiet about his raids he tiptoes into the kitchen. The last chicken breasts he stole were in the micro wave for4 safe keeping and I needed to warm something up and silly me forgot to put the chicken back in the micro wave or fridge. They were not whole ones but partially consumed. Not a trace of them when I got home.

Make a fast friend adopt a greyhound



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