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Foster With Liver Failure

Guest BoomerMom

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Guest BoomerMom

Thanks so much for the milk thistle suggestion! My Costco didn't have it, but I ended up finding it at Target.


Pepper is doing much better. After a weekend of drinking & peeing & drinking & peeing, his gums are now a healthy pink instead of a icky yellow! It will be a while before we find out if the liver is permanently damaged, but I think he is out of the critical stage for now. His TBD tests came back - he is positive for Babesia, Ehrlichia and Lyme. :(


The big problem at the moment is that Seth HATES Pepper. There has been some growling all weekend, but last night Seth nipped at him. No major damage, but I think it would be better if he were in a different foster home. I would hate to have him get hurt.


This boy is so sweet! He's still pretty scared but will come to me for loves. He learned the potty rules quickly and is adjusting to the house. Mirrors have him a little freaked and he isn't too sure about the TV or milkbones. I picked up some frozen Biljac yesterday and he is in heaven - I can't wait to see him after he gains a few pounds. He is going to be gorgeous!


I keep you all posted on his progress - thanks so much for caring about him!



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It will be a while before we find out if the liver is permanently damaged, but I think he is out of the critical stage for now. His TBD tests came back - he is positive for Babesia, Ehrlichia and Lyme. :(


Wow, that poor dog. Well hopefully the damage isn't permanent and the TBD treatents help him recover. The doxy will take care of the ehrlichia and lyme, but I'd suggest researching the dosage. There's conflicting info on how long the treatment should be these days. I'm assuming you won't be able to do the Imidocarb treatment for the Babesia until he's feeling a bit better?


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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