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My Pooch Just Ate Chocolate

Guest Sula

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My girl just grabbed some chocolate off the table--dumb me--she's never done it before and I forgot to be careful.


Anyway, it's about six squares of one of those larger bars--not the huge bar but not the smallest either. It has almonds and milk chocolate in it.


Does anyone know if/what I should do? We are going out tonight so I'm concerned especially since we can't keep an eye on her.


Thank you!


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Milk chocolate doesn't have a lot of actual chocolate in it. She'll probably be fine. Perhaps an upset tummy if she's prone to that. Just don't let her make a habit of it. :)

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest hannahmom

Just my advice

Go and buy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide

If this ever happens again, tilt her head back and pour as much down her throat as you can

Everything she's ever eaten in her life will come right back up - including the chocolate :P

She'll be cranky at you for an hour, but no chocolate issues



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Just my advice

Go and buy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide

If this ever happens again, tilt her head back and pour as much down her throat as you can

Everything she's ever eaten in her life will come right back up - including the chocolate :P

She'll be cranky at you for an hour, but no chocolate issues


Wow--good advise--I've got hydrogen peroxide at home so I'm armed and ready--thank you!!!


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Just my advice

Go and buy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide

If this ever happens again, tilt her head back and pour as much down her throat as you can

Everything she's ever eaten in her life will come right back up - including the chocolate :P

She'll be cranky at you for an hour, but no chocolate issues



Do some searching either here or in general - learn about chocolate and dogs.

I make chocolates. Ryan decided one day that he was going to climb on the table to eat said chocolates one day. All dark.

I didn't worry about it, even the dark chocolate I use, he'd need to eat quite a bit to cause a problem.


Learn about chocolate toxicity and other food toxicities before just going with the make them puke it up route.


Nobody enjoys puking if they don't have to, no reason to make your dog puke if you don't have to.

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It takes a LOT of chocolate to cause harm to a dog, especially one as big as a greyhound. Once when I was in high school I was babysitting and the family had a huge box of godiva truffles on their table. While I was out with the kids, their mini schnauzer ate the entire box - and it was about a 2 pound box. He didn't even get sick. I am not advocating giving chocolate to dogs...just trying to put it in perspective. There are other things that are much more harmful.


Having peroxide on hand is good advice no matter what.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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