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Dry Nose

Guest MyHoodies

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Guest MyHoodies

i am hoping that someone else my have come accross this with the grey. Pieces of Jif's nose peel off every so often. I have asked my vet about it and he states that it is probably from him rooting around with his nose. However, I put muzzles on mine when outside because they play very rough and have too my cuts and scrapes. It doesn't bleed when it peels but it looks sore and he only licks of the neosporan when I put on

any thoughts???


ps I changed food to one that has no wheat/corn in it ans still hasn't worked.


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Talk to your vet about autoimmune problems. Carolina's nose peels like that too and she is on a B vitamin.


This is the best picture that I have of Carolina's nose before treatment.



Do a seach on here for peeling nose. You will find more posts about this.


Carolina (R and A Carolina) & Rebel (FA Ready).
At the bridge: Kira (Driven by Energy) 7/19/97 - 6/17/04 & Jake (Jumpstart Dude) 9/12/00 - 1/24/15

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Sounds like an auto-immune/pemphigus disease. If your vet is not familiar with this disease you may need to seek out a Cert Dermatologist to help you get a diagnoses. In the meantime I would introduce E.F.A oils (omega 3 and 6) to his diet.

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

It sounds like autoimmune. Does the nose have a smooth appearance, rathe than the normal cobblestone look? I would definitely talk to your vet about autoimmune. More than likely they can prescribe a tetracycline/niacinamide combo and reccomend supplements like COQ10, vitamin E and perhaps even an ointment.


I would definitely check with your vet. Also, eliminating foods with chemical preservatives can help as well.


Here's an autoimmune nose: It's smooth not cobblestony looking (not too scabby, since we were treating per vet's care- ignore the cuts, they are biopsy scars)



and a normal nose: (note the cobblestone like appearance)



Hope this helps.

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Guest SoulsMom

Yep what Kerri said. Souls nose does the same thing and he's been diagnosed with Discoid Lupus. He's now on a grain free diet, as well as supplements of grizzly salmon oil, vit B&E, and he wears baby sunscreen everytime he goes outside. He's not "cured" but this helps control the symptoms. My vet has also recommended steroid cream, but I'm hesistant to use steroids since right now it's just "cosmetic".

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Guest MyHoodies

thanks for all the help. i will try your suggestions. we will also be doing the annual vet visit and will bring this to his attention for auto immune.



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