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Help! The Vet Is Closed Today, Henry Had A Grand Mal...

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

and he has diarhea. This is the NEW vet, the vet I really want to see that is KNOWLEDGABLE on raw feeding. My old vet is so against raw feeding. *groan* The ER vet is an extra $75, I dont know if they are 24/7 or just when normal vets are closed. I am located in Essexville Michigan. Can anybody help me locate another vet near me that is knowlegable on the alternative stuff but uses conventional meds too?

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Emily, you need a vet that is knowledgable about seizures. Don't worry about Henry's diet. He seizured before raw & after. Diet is not causing his seizures. I'm all for alternative but Henry may need his conventional meds adjusted. I hope someone in MI can give you some specific vet guidance & that Henry (& you) are doing OK.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

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Guest EmilyAnne

A little more info. When Henry had his last seizure which was Dec. 9th, I took him to the vet the next day and we found out he had a UTI. I believe the UTI triggered his epilepsy. That is why I want to get to a vet so badly TODAY, so I can get Henry on any medicine diet/change he needs BEFORE he seizes again. He has a history of cluster seizures.


Emily, you need a vet that is knowledgable about seizures. Don't worry about Henry's diet. He seizured before raw & after. Diet is not causing his seizures. I'm all for alternative but Henry may need his conventional meds adjusted. I hope someone in MI can give you some specific vet guidance & that Henry (& you) are doing OK.

Yes, that's why I am hoping for a vet that van help us with both conventional and alterative supplements. I think something about the diet caused the diarhea, which triggered a seizure.

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Guest EmilyAnne

Ok, found a vet. I dont know how familiar this one is with alternative stuff, but this one at least is not dead set against raw feeding. This vet is also very familiar with greyhounds. This vet is in Frankenmuth. Our appt. is at 3:30. I feel a little better now. When I found out our new vet was closed today I pretty much just went on a crying spree. It's frusturating to hear all these great ideas, get hopes up, and then see your houndie not do well. :(

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Ok, found a vet. I dont know how familiar this one is with alternative stuff, but this one at least is not dead set against raw feeding. This vet is also very familiar with greyhounds. This vet is in Frankenmuth. Our appt. is at 3:30. I feel a little better now. When I found out our new vet was closed today I pretty much just went on a crying spree. It's frusturating to hear all these great ideas, get hopes up, and then see your houndie not do well. :(


I'm so glad you've found a vet to take him to.


I agree, it's unlikely to be the raw feeding, especially if he'd had seizures before you began feeding raw. There is ONE thing I know of which may be a problem with raw feeding and that's infection with either toxoplasma or neospora. Both of those can cause seizures, but if you freeze the meat for 48 hours first, it's OK. It might be worth you having serology done to look for those if you feed fresh raw meat.


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