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Guest SouthernGirl

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Guest SouthernGirl

Hello all,


I thought I would say a Quick Hello.I have put in an application on a beutifull brindle girl here in my town, and I am just awaiting the call back...I am keeping my fingers crossed.It was a love at first sight.

But I also know that another lady had called on her but put no application in.. so now we wait.



:unsure Thanks for listening and Hello,


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Guest Che_mar_Cody

Hi Janice,

Welcome to GT!!!


Congrats and wishing you all the best for adoption. I know the feeling of excitement you must have!!!

Follow your heart and keep an open mind.



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Guest SouthernGirl

Aww :colgate thank you guys... Im excited.I found out that another lady has prefrence on the one that I had my eye on but thats ok... Im sure a sweetie is out there for us somewhere.In Time.....I am keeping my fingers crossed!

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Guest TrendyHounds

Don't give up hope though.


I had a friend that wanted a specific grey, put in their application, & was just waiting for their home visit. However, someone else was in front of them for this specific grey. The family that had preference adopted her, but returned her within a couple of days because she would pee on their floors & wouldn't stop whinning. The thing is she was returned on the same day my friends had their home visit. The greyhound rep got the phone call she was being returned on her way to do their home visit.


This grey was trying to tell them this was not her forever family. When my friends got her they said she was definitely the one meant for them because they never had any of those problems with her.


So, just keep up your hope. If she's meant to be with your family she will be. If not, like you said there's another out there just waiting to find your heart.

Edited by TrendyHounds
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Guest KsFrets

Welcome from Kansas. Never fear, when we looked at all the greyhounds on the agency's web site, I had picked out a different one (just from photos and descriptions). When we went to meet the dogs in person, Maggy adopted us, and there was no questioning that! Good luck and life as you know it will soon be 4 paws better! :P:wub:

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