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Dislocated Claw

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Our Caesar got a claw hooked on something while running and partially pulled it out (dislocated?) (I know it's my fault because his nails are always too long...another story.) It was very painful for him to walk on. We got him to the vet and assumed the vet would remove the claw but he re-placed it in the socket and wrapped it, saying he'd like to see if it will heal. If not, he'll remove it when Caesar gets his annual teeth cleaning in a week or so.


Can these dislocated claws heal? Any experience?



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Guest KennelMom

Our boy Caesar did the same thing to one of his nails. It was just bleeding a bit, so we wrapped it to immobilize it and played "wait and see". That lasted only a couple days, as I could tell it was very painful for him (even w/pain meds). Our vet ended up removing the nail.

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Our boy Caesar did the same thing to one of his nails. It was just bleeding a bit, so we wrapped it to immobilize it and played "wait and see". That lasted only a couple days, as I could tell it was very painful for him (even w/pain meds). Our vet ended up removing the nail.

That's what we're doing too. He hurt it Thursday evening, the vet wrapped it Friday and it's still tender. We'll see how it is this Friday when he goes back. The vet may just remove it when he has his dental. No need to sedate him twice. Thanks for sharing your experience.


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If the other nails are really long, can the vet trim them back for you while he is under anesthesia for the dental and the removal?

Yes, as we have our dogs' dentals done we are having all the claws trimmed. I have been woefully inadequate at having the stomach to trim their claws when they squirm and act like I am killing them and that's my fault. I have to do it consistently for their welfare. Don't want to go through this painful claw thing again. Poor Caesar walks on three legs and walks like a tripod, carrying his bandaged foot (though I saw a female tripod at GIG at the fun run that blew the doors off the dogs she was racing...)

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