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Ty Gus, Doug, Yardman, Battle & Penny!

Guest Cris_M

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Tank roo bery much for bein' da best Secrit Santa eber! I has neber done any SS stuff be4 and I am now a BIG beleever. I luvs SS!


Since y'all was so generus to me, here are sum fotos:



"Mom, how duz Santa get a flat rate on a round box? He's gots him some elfies with sum powerful muskles to cram a box dat full! Can we opens it now? How about now? Now wood be bery, bery good!"

Mom: "Duncan, would you like to open your Secret Santa present now?"

"Woman, you ain't ben lisnin' to me. YES! NOW!"



"Mommee, der iz eben mor rapping inside! I is gettin' excited now."



"Dis is mor stuffees dan I hab eber seen. And, dey is all fer me? I gots a stuffee for ebery day! Dis snowman be da best! No, dis wiggly arm ting be da best! No, dis bumpy ball wit funny noises be da best! Shoot, dey is all da best. I am in greyhownd heben. Sigh..."



"Mom, der is more? How can der be more? I is oberglutted wit goodees alwedy. It duz lookz intree-gin doh. I lubs me some Secrit Santa!"



"Don't I lookz lik royaltee in my 2 layer blankie? Dis be cool.... Oopz, dis be WARM! I cans hardly waits to go to bed."



"Lookz, Mom, it seys rite here dat I gots 5 (!!!!!) Secrit Santas! Do you see dat? Dat eksplanes why I have da best stuff in da wurld. Deez are sum kind of smart houndees and dey are excepshunally generus, too."



"Tank roo so much Gus, Doug, Yardman, Battle and Penny! Roo are da best Secrit Santas on da planet.

I tink I will just keeps a paw on my screemin munkee. I duz not want my mommee to bez puttin it away.

I hope you SS houndees habs as nice a Chrismus as y'all hab made mine. Thank roo!

Lub, Duncan"


Dear MomOfSweetPotatoes and gang,

Thank you so much for Duncan's gifts. You can't begin to imagine how much fun he had stuffing his head into the box to pull out yet another stuffie. (Yeah, his cute teaser present, the Bowwow bonnet, had to come off when the hard work of box diving needed to be done!) It took him forever to get through all his goodies. He would pull out a toy, play and play and play with it and then have to be coaxed back to look in the box. There were so many things in there, that he learned the box had greyt things in it and he would keep checking it out for hours afterwards.


Each toy was wonderful. None of them were toys we had ever seen. The nubby grunter balls are wonderful -- just the right size for Duncan's mouth. Duncan has never had anything with elastic either so that was a whole new experience for him. And, the screaming monkey? Well, lets just say that the dog who would give me anything I ask for has decided that a screaming monkey is worth a tug-of-war. I think the sound is hilarious -- good thing since I am hearing a lot of it!


The blanket is perfect. Last night I covered Duncan up with it in his bed. Normally, he doesn't like blankets, but this one is a different shape -- narrower -- and he loved it. So, it is a big hit with both of us. I love not having to worry about him being cold.


Thank you also for the "people" gifts. The chocolate looks so special and the mints are perfect for my purse.


Y'all have made this such a wonderful experience -- far beyond what I could have imagined. Thank you so much. BTW, Duncan will be sporting his bonnet for our Christmas crowd. Knowing him, he will also be sharing his toys with the visiting puppers.


Have a very merry Christmas!


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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

Awww! Duncan, :inlove You're very welcome.


We had lot's of fun picking stuff out for you.


So glad you like it all. Have a Merry Christmas! :snow


The MOSP gang. :) (by the way, I love the picture of him reading the note) :lol:

Edited by MomofSweetPotatoes
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You and your gang really made our Christmas! Duncan had so much fun that I am planning on rewrapping some of the gifts, putting them back in a box, and letting him enjoy Secret Santa all over again on Christmas day. Yeah, we're a bit weird around here.......


Give each one of the MOSP gang an extra ear scritch for the excellent elving that was done.

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes
You and your gang really made our Christmas! Duncan had so much fun that I am planning on rewrapping some of the gifts, putting them back in a box, and letting him enjoy Secret Santa all over again on Christmas day. Yeah, we're a bit weird around here.......


Give each one of the MOSP gang an extra ear scritch for the excellent elving that was done.


Scritches have been given. By the way, rewrapping is something we'd totally do around here :lol:

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Guest LolasMom

I smiled my way through each photo. What a wonderful surprise and thanks for sharing the pics with us.

I just love that last one of him. He must have been a very good boy this year. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Edited by LolasMom
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Duncan has indeed been a very good boy this year! I couldn't ask for better. He just finished giving Mr. Monkey his morning constitutional and is now sleeping soundly with Mr. Monkey firmly cuddled against his neck. Aren't greyhounds the BEST??????


And, MoSP, I'm glad to know that if we are totally nuts (about things like rewrapping prezzies) that there are other happy nuts out there with us. We're looking forward to Christmas fun all over again. Whoopee!

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What a great parcel :D I loved the piccies :D

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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