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Joe Says Tank Yoo To My Secwet Santy


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Deer Miz Wobbin, and Phene and Loca


Tank yoo fur my Seekrit Santy stuffs!!







Heer’s a pickchure of those yummy biskies Momma took this beefore Logan and I deemolished them... :lol





And tank you for my hippie collar as Momma calls it - she says its very psyakadelik, whatebber dat meens.... and she says I look fantabulous in it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





And Momma says tank yoo fur the chocolates (I couldint have any of those) and fur the neckalace. She wore it to work tooday!




Tank yoo tank youu!!



Joe :beatheart


PeeEss - Momma said that mebbe sometime when we're in Ontariariario we kin come by fur a vizit if'n we're in your part of the woods


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Guest caiteag

My Joe,


You look so handsome in your new collar. I just wanted to make sure that there is nothing naughty going on between you and Ms. Loca. She's a beautiful broodie, and I haven't really heard much from you lately... so I'm getting a little nervous here...


Hopefully still yours,

Choo Choo

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My Joe,


You look so handsome in your new collar. I just wanted to make sure that there is nothing naughty going on between you and Ms. Loca. She's a beautiful broodie, and I haven't really heard much from you lately... so I'm getting a little nervous here...


Hopefully still yours,

Choo Choo


My Deer Miz Choo

I habbint heard from you either butt I knew yoo were very busy training in your noo brudder so I didn't want to bother yoo. There is nothing going on between me and Miz Loca excepte that she was my Sekrit Santy and she sent me greyt stuffs :)


Don't be nerbous, my lub :beatheart!


Your Joe


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Guest caiteag

I am glad you are so understanding and loyal, my Joe... my new brother is taking a fair bit of work. He keeps trying to lay on top of me or stand on me. Don't you worry, it isn't anything romantic. He's just scared of EVERYTHING so he tries to stay close to me so I can protect him. Mama keeps calling him her " Delicate Little Flower" and telling me I need to be nice to him. She says he'll get better as time goes on. I hope so. I don't mind cuddling with him sometimes.. but all the time? No thanks.


My Christmas card from you arrived today. You are so sweet to have sent a card just to me.

Your girl,

Choo Choo Ch'Boogie.


P.S. I am going on vacation to Florida with my brother and George in Noo England and a bunch of other hounds for New Years.. but don't you worry, I lub only you!!


My Deer Miz Choo

I habbint heard from you either butt I knew yoo were very busy training in your noo brudder so I didn't want to bother yoo. There is nothing going on between me and Miz Loca excepte that she was my Sekrit Santy and she sent me greyt stuffs :)


Don't be nerbous, my lub :beatheart!


Your Joe


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