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Thank You Momofsweetpotatoes!

Guest savvyprchick

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Guest savvyprchick

Chase here. My momma just told me she received a package for me at work and that she opened the box to make sure there wasn't anything inside that should be refrigerated. She says there are lots of toys and some wrapped packages in there (though she didn't take them all out because she has NO IDEA how you got it all in the box and knows she couldn't put them all back in!).


I'm just :offwall :offwall :offwall :offwall right now because I want to open everything when momma gets home. But she's being mean and says I have to ask you if I should wait until Christmas to open them :angry:


So do I have to wait that long? It's like 51 potty outside times away! I'm not sure I can wait that long. But I guess I will if you say I have to.


Roos and licks,



P.S. If you say I can open them tonight, I promise I'll make momma take photos and post them!




My momma let me open my presents tonight! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I must have been a better boy than I thought because man... I got a bunch of stuff! Momma put on my pretty green collar with the silver snowflakes that you sent earlier. I wear it when I do pet therapy at the hospital's cancer ward and they LOVE it so much. I get many compliments :)


First I had to check out the box....



Then the first toy fell out...



Then I opened a present and it was a beautiful, soft blankie...



Which I could easily fall asleep on...



I had to play with all the toys before my stoopid sister killed them (she likes to destuff!)







Then I opened a really pretty Christmas ornament... I've never had one of my own!



Then momma let me have a piece of the carob bar... mmm tastes like chocolate... I went nuts for it!



My momma was excited because she got some chocolate (see me playing with the toys on the blankie in the background?)



Thank roo Secret Santa... you got me sooo much and I appreciate everything!



Of course, then momma just HAD to take the ribbon that was around the blankie and put it on my head :rolleyes:



But I'll tolerate it right now since it's Christmas.




THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Secret Santa... you are the bestest ever! :kiss2

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

By all means, open open open!! :snow: I hope you like everything


Ummm, sorry about the tight packing, but I was very determined to make it all fit. The post office kind of gave me a little grief because I had "modified" it, but they accepted it anyway. :)

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By all means, open open open!! :snow: I hope you like everything


Ummm, sorry about the tight packing, but I was very determined to make it all fit. The post office kind of gave me a little grief because I had "modified" it, but they accepted it anyway. :)


"modified" it... :blink: Would love to see a picture of that!

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest savvyprchick
"modified" it... :blink: Would love to see a picture of that!



It was kinda tight and not exactly uniform.... it had a "bump" in the middle and kinda rounded sides! :lol




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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes
"modified" it... :blink: Would love to see a picture of that!



It was kinda tight and not exactly uniform.... it had a "bump" in the middle and kinda rounded sides! :lol




and don't forget, lots of tape! :lol: I think I wigged the PO person out, becasue the cardboard was creaking as she was labeling it. I simply said to her: "Don't worry, it will hold" -_-


Then she kindly informed me, that it should seal square and not be out of shape in anyway. Oh well, :rolleyes:

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Guest LolasMom
So do I have to wait that long? It's like 51 potty outside times away! I'm not sure I can wait that long.



:lol: 51 potty-outside times in my house takes about 2 days!



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I have to laugh!! Chase & his family live about 3 miles from us. The blanket he got was purchased through CfG (Compassion for Greyhounds) and mailed off to Secret Santa to deliver! My daughter is laughing so hard... We have more ribbon if you need more. ;) We are glad Chase likes the blankie!



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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes
I have to laugh!! Chase & his family live about 3 miles from us. The blanket he got was purchased through CfG (Compassion for Greyhounds) and mailed off to Secret Santa to deliver! My daughter is laughing so hard... We have more ribbon if you need more. ;) We are glad Chase likes the blankie!


:rofl Now that's even funnier!! :rofl


I love the blankies (kinda miffed that I didn't order one for myself <_< )

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