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Thanks Ss Tori And Shadow

Guest minnie

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Cowboy has not been feeling that well! He had a seizure the night before Ss arrived so we both did not sleep well and with the toe nail problem(SLO) we where so excited to open our present it really cheered us up. I let him stay laying down so I took some pictures.


Thanks for the Beautiful Collar, Lots of stuffies which he loves, Maple Syrup for Christmas breakfast Yummy! And A beautiful Stained Glass Butterfly. Also Thanks for the cookies from Trudy and the Chocolate Greyhounds I really loved everything.




Edited by minnie
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Dear Cowboy,


I'm sorry you're not feeling well right now, but glad you got your gifts! You look very handsome in your new collar. Blue is definitely your color! Hope you are feeling well enough to play with your stuffies soon.


Thanks for sharing pictures - it's my favorite part of being a Secret Santa.


Hugs and scritches,


Jenn, Shadow and Tori

Jenn, missing Shadow (Wickford Big Tom), Pretty Girl (C's Pretty) and Tori (Santoria)

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