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Skin Color Change

Guest Aceboy101

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Guest Aceboy101

I have been reading everyone's posts here on Greytalk for over a year now, and have learned quite a bit. I have a question now that I hope someone will be able to help me with. Here is some background info...We adopted our first grey last year in Sept. We just adopted our second grey (a sibling to the first) one month ago. They are getting along great and have added so much to our family! We love them both dearly!! Our household consists of the two greys, two cats, my husband, myself , and two great kids. One boy age 12 and one girl age 8. My question is about our newly added grey. In the month since we have had her her skin has changed color. She is a light fawn and her skin used to be pink (flesh colored) with some black and some ticking, now it is mostly black. Her thighs and tummy are bald and the skin there has turned black. She has a small patch of white skin left down the center of her chest. She does not itch, lick or scratch. She has no other symptoms. She did test positive for hookworms when I took her for her first vet visit. She has since been dewormed once and is to take her second dose of pills this Friday. Her brother is white with dark brindle spots and lots of ticking, so I do see some resemblence to his skin where he has ticking. I'm just wondering if this is normal to change at age three. If you want to see their coloring there are pics on the greyhound database (Wv's Metz & Wv's Marianna). She has a vet visit coming up next week but I thought I would ask here in the meantime. Has anyone ever heard of this before? Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Skin colour changes are very common in fawn coloured greyhounds. I know a few whose skin turns a really cool purply-black colour!


My best guess is it's from the sun.. likened to suntanning. Does she sun herself often?... laying in a sun beam?


There's nothing wrong with it at all. :)

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest greytmonty

At age 3 1/2 MOnty went from white white white with some large black areas to white with LOTS of black ticking and then still large black areas.. THe vet said it was kind of like freckles and totally normal.

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Guest greymommy

My fawn boy is now 3 (7 days ago :P ), I also got him last September... and he recently began this same change. Vet said that it is nothing to worry about.

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Wizard is an extremely light fawn brindle. His tummy was very, very pink when he was 2. It began darkening within the first year and is now a muddy pinkish color. I used to worry about this, too!

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