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To Silver And Holly's Ss


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Dear Secret Santa,


The package is here and we are sooooo excited!!! We haven't opened the box yet because we are waiting for DH to get home. I'll be back later to report. I told myself that we weren't going to open the presents until Christmas but now that it is here I don't know if we can wait (that is why I am waiting for DH to arrive to even open the box!)


Thank you! I'll post again later!

Kim, Holly and Silver

<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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Dear Leah, Romeo, Abbey and Sweetie,


Thank you sooo much for the package! It came on the perfect day - it has been snowing all day so it really feels like Christmas here now and the package added to the feeling. I let Holly and Silver each open a gift - the coats are wonderful and VERY much needed! Silver tossed his package in the air a few times before opening it - we all LOVE the Panthers coat!!!! It is just perfect. I can't tell you how excited we are to have it and Silver looks very handsome in it. Holly didn't know what to do with her present (this is her first Christmas in a home) so I opened it for her. The coat is beautiful and looks great on her! We are saving the other presents until Christmas (unless there is something we should open before then).


I'll post pictures soon!


Thanks again!

Kim, Silver and Holly

<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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Yay!!! I'm glad you liked the coats :colgate The rest can wait until Christmas if you like, but I must say you have more will power than I do :lol I was so excited when you said you liked the Panthers! I thought the Panthers coat would be perfect for Silver :colgate

Edited by Leah
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Pictures of Silver and Holly with their gifts from their Secret Santa.



Checking out the box.



Silver opening one of his presents.



Silver modeling his new Panthers coat with Holly checking it out also.



Holly in her new coat. I think it looks really good on her!



Their are more packages to be opened but we are trying very hard to wait until Christmas!


Thanks again Secret Santa Leah!

<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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