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Our New Boy Is Limping

Guest amberj002

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Guest amberj002

I posted a few weeks ago about our new boy Abe limping after a run in the yard...he limped a little and his ankle area looked swollen. After a couple days of rest he seemed better, the limp was pretty much gone but the ankle (or outside of his foot) still looked a little puffy. He never yelped, cried, pulled back when we would poke or prod it and he doesn't lick it. We went to the dog park last weekend because he hadn't been limping and he was fine. Today we went to a greyhound event where they had a groomer do toenail clipping and the girl pointed at his foot and said "I assume you know about that, right?" I said yes but after we walked away I looked at his foot and it looked a little swollen but his outside toe also sticks out a little farther than the other side. He limped some tonight, I assumed because we walked around on concrete floors all day, and he seems to limp more in the morning than in the evening. But it isn't a pronounced limp...usually his walk is fine, but when he speeds up you notice a little limp. Anyway, I am going to call on Monday to get him looked at, just wondering what you all thought. Of course you know what is on my mind.

Thanks for any thoughts.



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Guest SkinnyLegDogLover

Did you have Xrays after the first injury a few weeks ago? It sounds like when one of my girls broke her toe after running, her foot became quite swollen. the Vet confirmed this with an Xray, but quite frankly didn't do anything for her, just told us to keep her as inactive as possible.

Hope it's something minor. :)

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Guest amberj002
Did you have Xrays after the first injury a few weeks ago? It sounds like when one of my girls broke her toe after running, her foot became quite swollen. the Vet confirmed this with an Xray, but quite frankly didn't do anything for her, just told us to keep her as inactive as possible.

Hope it's something minor. :)


We didn't take him in after the first time since he was not limping within a couple of days. I wish we would have. Thanks!

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