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Natasha, My Love


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Guest BlackandBrindle

She was beautiful :grouphug



I'm sorry your friend had to leave you but she is pain free and happy again. I'm so sorry for your loss :grouphug

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I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. Although she lived a long life for a dog, it is never long enough for us. In time, the tears will lessen and you will smile more at all the wonderful memories. I will say a prayer tonight for my sweet Kona to find your Natasha. She was our first family dog, and sounds a lot like your Natasha. She came to my DH and I in college and saw us through 2 kids, moves and all kinds of craziness. Those dogs are special! Pay attention, she will send you a sign. I think they all do. We will be thinking of you.

The Girls

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Guest Winterwish

Oh my goodness,another beautiful new Angel at Rainbow Bridge. :weep Sending deepest condolences to you in the passing of your wonderful girl Tasha. :grouphug:f_pink :f_pink :candle

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