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Do We Need To Get New Food?

Guest PDMS06

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Our pup is being stubborn and not eating all her food. I don't understand. It just all of the sudden started happening. Do we need to change what we're feeding her to "spice" things up?

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If she hasn't been to the vet recently, that's the first stop. It could be something as simple as a tooth that needs pulled. Alternately, you vet may well find your dog 100% healthy. If that's the case, and she was doing well (good energy, condition, stool) on her old food, then it's best to tough it out. Give her her food and if she doesn't eat it after an appointed amount of time (10-15 minutes is usually good), take it up and she can wait until her next mealtime. A healthy dog will not starve itself. She'll eat when she gets hungry. Until then, no treats, no add-ins.



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Other then not eating all of her food does she seem to feel good? Could she possibly need a dental, how do her teeth look? Have you given the food the smell test to make sure it isn't rancid? Is her stool normal, as in formed, not runny?

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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When you say not eating all of her food how much are we talking about? How much are you feeding her? When are you feeding her? How long have you had her? What's the food? Is she otherwise acting normal? Drinking, playing, or just being what's normal for her?

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Guest guinness_the_greyt

I ran into this problem with Nutro... for some reason my hounds would eat one bag and thats it and wanted something different and would all stop eating. I have since switched to not feeding Nutro and havent had an issue.

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How's her weight?


We have a bounce that the adoptive mommy noted he just kind of lost interest in food. I hemmed and hawed, as he'd always been such a piglet when he was here. He just kind of... lost interest in finishing his meals.


We took care of him for a couple of weeks while she was on vacation, and it was plenty clear as to what had happened: he was full! Interestingly, you could still see his rearmost 2 ribs. She'd followed instructions closely, but he was heavy. We knocked him back 1/4 cup with each meal, and he was almost normal by the time she picked him up. Sadly, he bounced about a month later for personal reasons. He's now back to where he needs to be.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Other then not eating all of her food does she seem to feel good? Could she possibly need a dental, how do her teeth look? Have you given the food the smell test to make sure it isn't rancid? Is her stool normal, as in formed, not runny?


She acts perfectly normal... stools normal, energy's normal, teeth look OK. She's only 2.5 years old, would she need a dental this soon?


The food is from a brand new bag that we just bought and our other dog is eating fine from it!



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Other then not eating all of her food does she seem to feel good? Could she possibly need a dental, how do her teeth look? Have you given the food the smell test to make sure it isn't rancid? Is her stool normal, as in formed, not runny?


She acts perfectly normal... stools normal, energy's normal, teeth look OK. She's only 2.5 years old, would she need a dental this soon?


The food is from a brand new bag that we just bought and our other dog is eating fine from it!




As Lynn suggested, it would be good to have her checked over by her vet.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest Winterwish

If the vet checks out alright,and if it's not really much trouble for you,I see no problem with trying a switch in food if it helps. :dunno

Trying a new food,seeing what's out there,can be enjoyable actually. :)




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If the vet checks out alright,and if it's not really much trouble for you,I see no problem with trying a switch in food if it helps. :dunno

Trying a new food,seeing what's out there,can be enjoyable actually. :)


I really just realized that I should have posted this in "Food," but I think we're going to try and find some fun food out there to see if she'll eat more.

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Guest ibigcrazy

Just a few more questions please. How much does she weigh? Is she still gaining weight to reach her retirement weight? When and how many times a day do you feed her? Do you go for walks and if so how long and how often? Do you give the kibble dry or wet? Do you mix anything in with the kibble?


Some dogs just decide they need less food and if that's the case, your lucky. Once a week one of my males will not eat any of his breakfast. One female iggie does the same thing on the same day. I have no clue why they do this but they do.


I have found if I take my pups for a good 45 minute walk, give them time to cool down they usually will eat like they are famished. I also cook rice, chicken, peas, greenbeans, and carrots and give a serving size spoonful to their kibble along with water to make a gravy. It is cheaper to do that then it is to buy canned food to mix in. a lot CHEAPER! I feed them twice a day 7 and 4 pm



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