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Confused About What To Do About The Big D

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After reading other posts on the subject I'm confused as to the best route to take. Holly has the big D (started yesterday but DH just told me earlier today :angry: ) and I'm not sure what to do...fast her, rice only, hamburger only, mixture of hamburger and rice, etc. Can anybody clarify for me? Also, I'd like to give her some immodium before bed. If she fasts can I give her the meds on an empty stomach? (Probably a stupid question since it is a medicine for tummy upsets but thought I'd check...)



Kim, Silver and Holly

<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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Thanks Diane. We have no idea what has caused this - not aware of her eating anything out of the norm, food is the same and nothing stressful going on here. If it continues we will definitely get her to the vet. She is acting fine so she doesn't appear to feel bad. She ate her normal breakfast this morning and had some plain yogurt and a little PB this afternoon (at a greyhound ice cream social) but nothing since. Should I not give her dinner and then start the bland diet tomorrow morning? Or is it better to feed her tonight?



<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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Is it explosive D or just runny, mashed potato consistency poop? If mashed potato, I like to add fiber to bulk up the stool, sweet potatoes or canned pumpkin. If runny, watery explosive D, I like to fast for 24 hours to let the intestines rest - kind of like re-booting your computer and then starting out with the boiled beef, rice, sweet potatoes or pumpkin and see how she fares.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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She may have a bug as well. Dallas had the big D for about 4 days, otherwise she was acting perfectly normal. She was at a grey bday party last weekend, so she may have picked something up. A little pumpkin and burger and rice, she's back to normal.

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Guest Hollys2hounds

Both of my greys came down with an awful case of the big "D" about 2 weeks ago. I can't imagine why, but they both seemed to have a "bug". I tried fasting them for 24 hours and then slowly reintroduced small meals. I gave them small meals of boiled hamburger and rice a few times through the day. Gave Immodium when we reintroduced the small meals. My Lexy cleared up right away, but my Gunner got worse and worse.


It got so bad, (explosive diarrhea with blood) that at 10pm on a Saturday night I ended up at the emergency vet! We checked blood, urine, ++++ etc. He was beginning to get dehydrated, and the vet administered fluids under the skin. We came home from the hospital at 5:00 in the morning with antibiotics and an anti-diarrhea medicine (Metronidazole). He was out of sorts for about a day and a half. Though the vet did not tell me to, I gave him a little Pedialyte mixed with his meals and I made ice cubes with the unflavored Pedialyte too-- he loves to eat ice cubes!. I was still concerned about dehydration since he did not seem to be drinking from his bowl. It took him about 2 days on the meds and he was back to his old happy self.


I went to my regular vet 3 days later--- great visit--- all is well.


Here is what I learned... fast for 24 hours, small meals, watch for dehydration, blood in diarrhea is not abnormal, 48 hours if still present, see vet. Might need more than TLC and Immodium at home.


Best of luck!!!!! Let us know how you are doing.

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Guest greyfiend

For a bland diet my vet recommended "low residue" so she said to boil hamburger, boil potatoes in beef broth. Feed one part beef to 4 parts potatoe. My dog would only eat the potatoes if they were either totally mashed or, in my case, I blended the whole lot and he ate it. His poops became somewhat more formed and MUCH smaller in the amount of poop. I finally ended up changing dog foods which has helped somewhat.


Good luck.

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