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Lee Has Been Diagnosed With Ls.

Guest KyGrey

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Spiff showed improvement from his Depo-Medrol shots within about 2-3 days... have you seen any improvement yet? Spiff was at the point where he would trip several times during his walks. He didn't seem to be in pain though. His first round of shots lasted for about 5 months before he started tripping and knuckling-over again.


At the time when we would have given him a second round of shots, he was visiting the ILs in Munich and the vet there refused to give him the shots. She put him on Carprofen (Rimadryl) instead.


He definitely moves around better than without medication, but I think maybe the Depo-Medrol worked a little better in terms of the mobility of his rear legs. I don't think that the difference is big enough to consider getting the Depo-Medrol shots again before we've used up the medication and need more. I think at that point I'll take Spiff into the vet and get his advice about whether to continue with the Rimadryl or to switch back to the Depo-Medrol.


So far, Spiff seems to tolerate the Rimadryl just fine. I hadn't thought that he was in any pain from his LS, but perhaps he was. His eyes seem a little brighter.


I hope the shots work for Lee!! But if not, there are other things you can try too. Keep us posted!!

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Lee seems like he's improving each day. He's wagging his tail more and smiling. My boy is giving the biggest smiles I've seen in a while. The vet wanted me to call her this morning for an update and I said he had to be coaxed to eat a couple times over the weekend but last night, this morning and tonight he ate all of his food. He's trying to run in the living room and still trying to pogo. I can tell he feels some better but I don't know how much. I am to call the vet Saturday with another update since he seems to be improving. He is not knuckling hardly at all now. I picked his back foot up this morning and he put it in the correct place immediately instead of taking seconds to do it. I know seconds don't sound like a lot of time but it is.


I am keeping mind the other drug in case this doesn't seem to do what we are expecting and wanting it to do. The anti-inflammatory he has is Robaxin but I don't know right off hand what the pain med is.


Please keep the prayers coming for him. He's such a sweetheart. I will try to get new pics of him in the next few days.




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Such good news! Keep getting better and better sweetie! :grouphug


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Guest crazy4greys
Acupuncture can help alleviate pain also. It helped Chancy when she had flare-ups that pain meds couldn't touch. Some have had luck with chropractic treatments also, but that didn't help us.


Thanks. :colgate I will keep both of those in mind. I want to see if the shot(s) will help him and then go with other things if needed.


My poor baby. I know others who have dogs with LS and I was so hoping it wasn't it but it is.


My boy Phoenix had it also. The chiropractic adjustments also helped.


Thinking of you & Lee :grouphug

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Acupuncture can help alleviate pain also. It helped Chancy when she had flare-ups that pain meds couldn't touch. Some have had luck with chropractic treatments also, but that didn't help us.



How do you get a dog to sit still for acupuncture?

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