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Whole Lotta Humpin Goin On With 2nd Grey

Guest got2now

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Guest got2now

I just adopted a second dog TODAY and hadn't even gotten him home before he had tried to hump my sweet, passive grey of 3 years, the air, and everything else in the pathway :blush . Okay I can get a spraybottle, but what else? He was neutered this week, but somehow, I doubt that will have any bearing (no pun) on this situation. Any advice? I predict a birds and bees talk coming up with the kids :ohno

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Guest savvyprchick

Let them work it out on their own.


It's just a dominance thing. They are trying to determine the pack order. It should resolve itself within then next few weeks. Just keep muzzles on so if/when they become a bit snarky, there won't be any accidents.


ETA: Take a look at the responses about the same thing in this thread.

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Guest savvyprchick

That's not the only option and remember that some greyhounds are sensitive enough that they feel being sprayed with a water bottle is akin to being smacked upside the head. My Lulu responds well to a water bottle (don't have to use it anymore, but it was used for "no kitty" when she was an exuberant 6 month old) but I'd NEVER spray Chase because he's too sensitive. The only reason I used the water bottle for Lulu was because it was needed for the safety of the cat. The poster in that thread tried everything else before the water bottle and only used it because it was terrifying the other dog and NOTHING ELSE WORKED.


There are other options that were stated there and, frankly, I'd use the water bottle as a last resort. Try positive reinforcement, redirection and just "no" first before the water bottle.


Again, this is NORMAL dog behavior and it will work itself out once they establish pack order. Muzzles are your friend.

Edited by savvyprchick
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