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Stomach Gurgle

Guest flyingjet

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Guest flyingjet

This morning we were awakened by Jetta's gurgling stomach. When we fed her, she didn't eat which set off alarms in the house. I checked and felt her stomach which kind of moved during the gurgling but then she ate and is resting comfortably and not making the noise. We feed kibble. Is this normal? She is our second greyhound and this is the first time I have heard this. She is 4 years old. Been at our home for a month.

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Dusty's stomach does this occasionally too. When I hear that noise, I know he won't be eating his next meal. Sometimes he'll throw up or have diarrhea briefly and then everything seems to resolve itself. Hope your pup is feeling better soon. (When Dusty won't eat his meal, he generally will still take a treat - just like his mom :lol )

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Guest Baileygrey

We fostered a girl whose stomach did that. She ended up having worms and since you just got him that is a possibility. If he throws up be sure to check for worms same with his BM.

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This has happened to us twice with Elena. Same scenario - her stomach noises woke us up and she showed no interest in eating. She peed/pooped like normal and was acting fine otherwise, so we decided to give her some time and see if she felt better. By dinner time, the noises were gone and she ate like usual.




Tamara with Aragorn the crazy cat, Fawkes the OTTB, and always missing Elena (Rapido Elena - Rapido Ebony x Quiet Traveler 9/11/02-11/14/12) and Dynamo (Dotties Dynamo - Gable Dodge x Geez Darla 3/27/2001-7/21/2012). I hope doggie heaven is paved with peanut butter and the bunnies are slow. Run free and happy.

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Guest shannon252

It will often help if you space the meals out a little more evenly and also add small treats during the in between times. Typically, when they won't eat you can "prime" their tummy with something small that they can't resist and within minutes they should be ready to eat. The tummy is probably just getting too empty.


This same thing would happen with my Harve but, when I spaced his meals out to about 12 hours with a treat in the afternoon and right before bed, it stopped happening completely. His nephew does it too if I'm not careful but, our meal schedule was already on Harve's schedule so I don't have much trouble with the new guy either.


Good luck!


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Guest Tenderhearts
A tablet of Pepcid AC should help the gurgles. When my boy gets a gurgly tummy, he looses his appetite until he's feeling better. Have a anti-diarrheal like Imodium in the medicine cabinet too, just in case.

Agreed :nod Lori Ann used to have the occasional 'garga belly' and a pepcid helped to clear it up :)


You also might want to try some boiled hamburger mixed with rice for her next meal.

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With Booker, the tummy noises meant worms -- and it took almost a year to get his tummy straightened out. I think some of the hookworms had become encysted and only gradually were we able to get them all. I would definitely check for worms on a newbie over the first several months repeatedly if there are tummy gargles.


Loving Kimba & Fred, missing Booker & Polly, first greyhounds, never forgotten.
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.
That is the way of a whole human being."
Abraham Lincoln

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Guest longdogs

Nugget was a major gurgler and had at least one attack per month that could keep us awake at nights. We didn't find a definite cause but a big bone seemed often to bring it on. She wouldn't eat her meals while afflicted but it never lasted more than a day, so did her no harm. We could sometimes get her to eat a large plain dog-biscuit (her favourite) or a piece of toast. These seemed to help while medications weren't helpful. Although the gurgles were dramatic, she wasn't in any real distress and just needed to recover in her own time.

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You haven't heard gurgles until you hear Chip's tummy!


His tummy gets that way when he's not feeling very chipper.


and boy....it is very very loud.


In loving Memory of: 

Chip, Wendell, Tessa, Moose, Moody, Noble Storm, Thunder, Gracie, Duke



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Guest K9_Lady

My Malinois had a stomach gurgle and horrible gas pains but it now in control. Pepcid does help and try 2 feedings a day and one teaspoon of fresh chopped Ginger in his food. The Ginger was recommended by my Vet and it really helps settle the tummy. Good Luck!

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