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Hi everyone!

 I'm new to this group so I hope I am posting correctly and please forgive me if I'm not. I'm wondering if anyone here has had experience with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. My 6 1/2 year old grey was just diagnosed with one after haveing what was thought was a "fatty tumor" reomoved.She will be seeing an oncology specialist next Friday for assesment and possible radiation treatment. I'm trying ti find out as much about this disease as I can. Can anyone here help??? Thanks so much.


Sheila     Cali & Tessa

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Hi Sheila, welcome to Greytalk.  I'm so sorry to hear about your Grey's diagnosis.  I don't know anything about her condition, but I'm sure someone here will have some good information for you.  I'm glad you found us.  Lots of good knowledge here.


Good luck with your girl.



~One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all ~

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Thank you so much for the nice welcome and the links. The information will be helpful in my search for answers. I'd like to have some knowledge of what I'm talking about when we get to the oncologist on Friday. I'm hoping for good news.

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Guest Greytdawg

No infor for you here, but my girl has a fatty tumor on her underside. I'm being assured it's not to worry over. can you tell us more about how she was DX'd with this?

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Guest nancyd

Welcome to a great place with a caring and supportive group of people.  So sorry about your girl's diagnosis.  I have no advice other than to continue what you're doing -trying to educate yourself about her problem and seeing a specialist.  I hope and pray that the oncologist will give you encouraging news next Friday.  Do let us know what you learn.

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Well, Cali's "fatty tumor" was considered that for months before she had to be scheduled for a dental resulting from infected gums. We had been watching the lump and I was very concerned about it and requested that it be removed along with two other very different growths she had. It was only after the vet removed this lump that he noticed that the center of it was hard....like a core. Not at all cosistent with just a plain "fatty tumor" even though from the outside that is exactly how it appeared. Before removel the lump was easily pulled down in the skin, not attached to the chest wall so it appeared to be a harmeless ball of fat....very rubbery to the touch. It wasn't till the path report came back with this diagnosis to everyone's surprise. If you feel at all nervous about this lump your grey has, you may want to further check it out for your own piece of mind. I am so glad I insisted that while she was under these growths be removed. I only hope we got to it in good time. I will post back after we see the oncologist on the 24th. Thank you all for your concern and good wishes and I hope my experience can help someone else.


Sheila            Cali & Tessa

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Guest paleostone

One good thing is that unlike the nerves themselves the mylan sheaths on the nerves do heal and regrow.  My GSP had a viral infection and it destroyed all the voluntary muscles sheaths and he was paralysised for months but they regrew and he is great now.  Lets pray that this is something easily contained.  Are you near Houston Texas.  MD Anderson hospital there does work with dogs.  Last I knew they asked you to sign legal custody over to them but you kept the dog and brought it in for new types of treatments that were still in trial stages.  It is free I believe because it is part of their trials to get treatments approved for humans.

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Guest Sherri & Michael

Sheila...Michael had the same diagnosis in 11/2000

when what they thought was a 'fatty' tumor was sent

for biopsy. His was on this left hip area. My vet wanted

to wait until his teeth cleaning in Feb..I insisted we

clean his teeth early...good thing I did!! I did research,

and have been feeding him antioxident's (i.e. cottage cheese with his dinner every night). The one thing about

this diagnosis is that there is a high potential for local

recurrence, but Low to Low moderate potential for regional & systematic metastasis. Metastasis if it occures

is typically to regional lymph nodes and less commonly

to lungs and other body systems.


I had Michael to the vet on Sat., as his tumor has come

back, although small...he is having it removed 5/22.


Please keep us informed of the the specialist says..I

would be interested as to his recommendations.


Thought's and prayers coming your way!!


Sherri, Michael and Annie

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  • 5 years later...
Hi everyone!

 I'm new to this group so I hope I am posting correctly and please forgive me if I'm not. I'm wondering if anyone here has had experience with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. My 6 1/2 year old grey was just diagnosed with one after haveing what was thought was a "fatty tumor" reomoved.She will be seeing an oncology specialist next Friday for assesment and possible radiation treatment. I'm trying ti find out as much about this disease as I can. Can anyone here help??? Thanks so much.


Sheila     Cali & Tessa



Hi everyone!

 I'm new to this group so I hope I am posting correctly and please forgive me if I'm not. I'm wondering if anyone here has had experience with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. My 6 1/2 year old grey was just diagnosed with one after haveing what was thought was a "fatty tumor" reomoved.She will be seeing an oncology specialist next Friday for assesment and possible radiation treatment. I'm trying ti find out as much about this disease as I can. Can anyone here help??? Thanks so much.


Sheila     Cali & Tessa

Hello there,

I am also new to this site so I hope I am replying properly.

We have an 8 year old Grey by the name of Lucy. She was just diagnosed today with a Nerve sheath Tumor on her left front foreleg. the vet said to talk with a surgeon 1st to see what he says. Lucy is not in pain. She is also not limping. I do not want to amputate. We lost our last Grey at age 10 to progressive cancer.

I don't want to go thru this again.

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My heart girl Molly had a nerve sheath tumor on her right hind leg which was removed by a surgeon at a specialist clinic. A year later she had another on the same spot. The second time I took her to a different vet who removed it by laser. Her healing time was much quicker the second time. When these are on a greyhound leg there just isn't much skin to work with so it does leave an open wound since there isn't any skin to stitch.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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