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Posts posted by Opals_mom

  1. A month ago I attempted to get Eden a dental. The day of they took her blood and about an hour later her leg swelled up and became bruised. It was advised that we wait on the dental and put her on antibiotics and steriods to help the swelling. We did a full blood panel but nothing suspicious came back. Then two Saturdays ago we re-checked everything and went ahead with her dental - including two extractions. She has always bounced back really quick from things like this - granted the last dental was a few years back. She has been mopey and not nearly as peppy or excitable as she was. At the dog park last night she finally took off for a second, which is much more like her, but just little things I've noticed. She's eating and drinking normally but is it possible that this dental has faced me to look at her age - I mean, she's only 10 and that is still so young to me. I didn't get to have my last grey long enough to see what slowing down looked like (she went to the Bridge after 10 months with lameness). Or should this be cause for concern? I was super happy that she ran around at the dog park so that was nice but... yeah. Any ideas?

  2. I had the vet fax me the results of Eden's CBC and am having trouble interpreting it. I did find a comparison for normal levels in greys opposed to other dogs so that was helpful, however there are way more numbers on this chart than there are on the comparison. And I have to give my vet credit for keeping her breed in mind - I have to admit I doubted her but I shouldn't have. Eden't pretty much got elevated levels of everything except platelets... Is there a good place for information that I can check? The vet is having someone look into the info and running a few more tests and I wanted to be prepared to ask questions.

  3. I just saw the picture, the swollen joint is where someone may have been holding the leg while drawing the blood and I could foresee that the dog moved and someone tightened their grip on the joint (wrenched it a bit - like spraining an ankle when dancing) and that might explain the swelling on the leg. It looks from thepicture that the swelling is primarily on the joint - is that correct?


    If the dog moved (as described above), then the needle could have gone through the vein and caused seepage in the surrounding tissue. How big of an area is the bruising - from the picture looks like a 2x3 inch area.


    She is actually bruised from below the last joint all the way above her "elbow" joint. Her lower joint is ginormous but she moves it and even tucks it underneath herself when she naps. To me it looks like it's going to pop but what do I know ;) Her leg looks like a sausage link because it's the same size all the way down. I guess I just expected it to be way more localized - even if it was a "big" bruise.


    In all honesty I think that it was just a fluke but since I'm doing a few hundred dollars worth of tests :blink: I guess it'll be nice to know she's in tip top shape :P


    I have been sharing my Arnica with her and that stuff always helps me. I do wish I didn't have to have her on unnecessary meds but only in time will I know if she's really okay. WHEN everything comes back puppies and kittens she's gotta go back to get her teeth yanked anyway. Maybe this is all just a clever ruse... brat

  4. They can bruise pretty badly from any venipuncture but, yikes. Were they performing a blood draw or injecting her sedative at the time??


    Wanted to add that it can takes days and days for the bruise to resolve.


    I believe they were just taking blood and running a few tests prior because of her age... she's only TEN people :rolleyes:

  5. I look Eden in Saturday morning for a dental and to get a few teeth extracted. I got a call from the vet at 2pm saying there was concern and wouldn't do the dental and to come in. When they were doing her pre-dental blood draw her leg bruised and swelled right up. They shaved the leg to see how far up the bruising went and it starts at her ankle and goes pretty much all the way up. It looks AWFUL! She's had multiple dentals and a few surgeries and we've never had any problems whatsoever so this is totally new. The vet listed some possible causes and we are doing a complete blood work up which I should hear the results for early next week. The list included TBD, autoimmune disease and maybe clotting problems. We have been going there for 5 years and I like them so I have no reason to second guess them. My only question is that in order to get enough blood for the new tests they took blood from her other leg and there was absolutely no issue. She's taking steroids and antibiotics for 14 days just in case. She's walking on it and doesn't seem to care about it at all but in the last 24 hours it's hasn't gotten any better. Is it possible for them to have really messed up the blood draw that bad (I'll go take pics and post them); like I said - I would think they'd be forthcoming had that been the case.


    Anyone have any input?


    *pics added*



    And this one just shows the color that it is:


  6. I got Eden back from her dental a few hours ago. She had to have her gums cut to get one of her teeth out. Needless to say she's in quite a bit of pain :( I am supposed to give her two and a half pills twice a day, one capsule and one and a half pills. How do I get her to take them? She isn't eating yet so I can't hide them in food - she's been turning her head at everything so far, so even a super yummy treat she's not interested in. But if I just put it in her throat do I just cross my fingers that she'll go drink some water (which she hasn't yet)? Plus I'll feel terrible prying her mouth open when she's got stitches and her mouth is so swollen. Is there something else I'm missing?

  7. Eden had been put on thyroid medication last year and I was told she's be on it for the rest of her life. I couldn't for the LIFE of me put any weight on her and her thyroid tests came back low - so the medication was prescribed.


    I went to the vet last month for her annual and the vet (same place different doc) mentioned how low values are normal for greyhounds. That if I wanted to put some weight on her to stop the meds.


    So I came home and poked around on GT and most people said thyroid meds were overprescribed. There was also a lot of mention to do your research and not to always believe what the vet has to say. I stopped giving her the meds and she looks SO MUCH BETTER! The vet called and her levels are still a little low but I'm not concerned because that's normal.


    Thanks guys for the wealth of information you have! There were a lot of linked webpages where I read up on the subject, too. LOVE YOU ALL!

  8. Here are the pics...

    This was just after I took the wrap off


    just after wrap off


    And this is how it looks after a little over an hour...


    after an hour


    What do you think? I guess looking at the pictures without all the emotions it already looks better...




    Agreed completely. I made that mistake for about 10 hours with one of my fosters his foot looked like a lab's foot round and fat ,but I took the wrap off and within a few hours his foot was the normal size. No need to stress unless like Christie says it's stinkie.


    kind of funny that you describe it as a labs foot because that's EXACTLY what I though! Thanks guys! I'm not going to worry. It doesn't smell and the swelling is moving. PHEW! What would I do without all you guys!

  9. It was about 12 hours since the last time I looked at it. I have been home sick for three days and have spent most of the time sleeping. She slept on the couch with me almost all day yesterday and never made a peep last night (that I heard...). This morning when I went to let her out I got the bootie to cover the dressings and her foot was about 3 times it's normal size :eek She is still walking on it and still doesn't seem to care much. I took a picture but honestly - I'm afraid of what people will say. She doesn't even care at this point she's just sleeping. Should I go to the vet???

  10. Eden sheared the skin of the back of one of her feet on Monday. I have had it wrapped all week and then yesterday I went and got some of the wrap that sticks to itself. What would happen if the wrap was too tight???


    We are headed to the vet in 10 minutes and will be there right when it opens.


    I know I screwed up but I hope everything is ok! There will never be any fixes from me agaiN!!!

  11. I took Eden to the vet a few weeks ago becuase of dark bloody diarrhea and dehydration. She ended up staying overnight and is now on thyroid medication twice a day.


    I took the pups to my parents house yesterday to run around their yard while I worked on our new fireplace insert. The girls were sniffing and poking around for a while... then Eden got a wild hair in her butt :eek Running all OVER the place! She taunts Moose (our mutt) until she gives in and plays or chases her. My mom was on the porch watching Eden zoom around and almost run into Moose. She does super quick corners and it's fun to watch. Moose tries her best but just can't keep up. She'll cut corners or cheat when she sees a chance but it doesn't matter - she's too slow :blush Eden was SO happy! I love the look on her face and the smile and pep in her step when she runs. My mom was so amazed at the difference from the last time we were there two weeks ago. That medication made a WORLD of difference in her! She's crazy now - I might have to secretly lower the dose :lol

  12. We use Kirkland right now - the purple bag (I'm not sure what flavor it is). Beneful was AWFUL and Iams gave her gas. I'm afraid I'm going to make her a finiky eater if I keep changing her food. She has a SUPER loud tummy, too. I wonder what causes that?


    The other issue I have is that both girls eat the same thing. If I change Eden's food or give her a little extra something (pumpkin or yogurt) then I feel bad that Moose isn't getting any... and she really can't have anything extra because she needs to trim up a bit :blush (non-grey) That I guess I'll have to suck up and get over.


    Blackandbrindle - I just figured from all the reading on this board that soft poo wasn't as easily fixed as a food change. It seems like people with pups who have hard poo is a rarity :P What kinds of ingredients should I look for.

  13. Eden has never (in 2 years) had a good poop. I think a handful of times she's had one that managed to hold it's shape but just barely. I took her to the vet yesterday for having dark bloody diarrhea and they kept her overnight and ran a bunch of tests and have her some fluid. I called at lunch and everything came back ok so that's nice. I guess my mission now is to try and get some hard poop!!! :lol


    I am going to change her food to something that is chicken or pork based because I just figured out that red meats were a no. At lunch I went to a health food store and picked up some probiotics and some sweet potato puree (but I'm sure I'll start just making my own) for her food. Is there anything else natural that might help her poop and any other positive side effects would be a bonus :P

  14. Eden has had watery, black bloody diarrhea for two and a half days. I searched in the H&M and it looked like it was giarditis because she did drink some stagnant water. So I told myself that if I went home at lunch today and there was another accident we'd be headed to the vet. And I smelled it as SOON as I walked in the house :angry: So off to the vet we go. I went there thinking they'd check her out and send us home with some meds... they are keeping her overnight on IV fluids. The vet wanted to do a blood panel and watch her overnight because she didn't like how her gums looked or how fast her skin went back after she grabbed it up. So... DH left last week and now I am down a dog for the night. She'll be fine but it just wasn't what I was expecting :blink: I am thankful that she'll get better AND that I'll finally get a full night's sleep (we must have went out 4 times last night and the night before). At least I'll have her back for the holiday. PLUS I get to leave early tomorrow to go get her by 4:30 so that's a plus, too :P

  15. Is there a WebMD type of site for pets? A friend of mine is having some issues with her new pup (non-grey) and while on the antibiots he was fine but now his symptoms are back. She just wants to do some research on her own before she goes back to the vet.


    Besides - it might be nice to know :huh Or would we use WebMD???

  16. I have been a member for a few years but am going to try and finally post a picture *fingers crossed* This is Eden! I have had her for almost a year (only 5 more days)! th_Edenintheyard.jpg


    WOO HOO! IT WORKED (thanks to the idiot proof instruction given on here :P )!! Now you guys are going to get sick of pictures of my fur kids :lol

  17. Both my pups, a grey and a pit, pottied ALL OVER the house yesterday! The poops weren't runny but not that hard either. They have been on the same food for a long time and we have recently lessened the treats due to some weight issues :blush . I can't think of anything else EXCEPT we have a grape vine out in our backyard. The grapes are ripe and falling to the ground. Are they bad for dogs? I am not sure exactly what kind they are since we inherited the vine when we bought the house - but they look like Concord grapes.

  18. I am happy to report that they are both home safely! They are pretty pitiful, though :blush Eden has a little bootie on her foot until tomorrow because when they got her to bring her out her incision started bleeding. I didn't know that they did a whole cleaning of what is left of her teeth! They look AMAZING! When I got her the vet pulled a few teeth but to my amazement they didn't pull the ones I though they should have... She had periodontal disease and they said they had to break the two teeth to get them out - poor girl. But - I am thinking this will help her horrible breath and our cleaning and antiseptic mouthwash will do a LOT better to help her... I am so excited!

  19. A friend of mine suggested her vet clininc "Vets For Less." The name kind of scared me but she assured me they were great. The one bummer is that they only take walk ins unless it's for a surgery. I have enrolled both girls in doggy daycare but they needed a few additional shots and a fecal test before they could go... not to mention missy needed to get spayed.


    So - this morning I took our non-grey in to get spayed, microchipped and all her shots. I took Eden at 9:00 (when the clinic opens for walk-ins) to have a few things looked at and to get an estimate for getting a few teeth pulled. The previous vet I took her to had quoted me $900 just to get her teeth pulled... After our consultation I decided to go ahead and get everything done that needed to be done.


    So - for Missy's spay (with pain meds and antibiotics), shots and microchip - and Eden getting shots, antibiotics for tape worm, getting part of one toe removed and three teeth taken out (including antibiotics and after care) the grand total was $820.00!!!! ISNT THAT AWESOME!!!


    And - I even like all the girls that work there and the vet was really nice, too!


    It's been an expensive day - and Missy can't go to doggy daycare for another week - but... COOL! I have been putting off getting Eden's teeth pulled to scrounge up the money but the price was so good - and she is getting everything done today.

  20. I have made a vet apt for both dogs. For out mutt to get fixed, chipped and all her shots and to look at Eden's toe (our grey). One of her middle toes ALWAYS comes out of the socket. I swear I must pop it back in place at least 20 times a day. It doesn't seem to bother her when I put it back - but if I don't fix it she limps on that foot. I talked to the vet on the phone but they obviously can't say anything over the phone. I am wondering what they might do? I am crossing my fingers that there is another solution besides cutting it off (or really anything that involves anesthesia). Have any of you had a similar issue?

  21. Well - I guess it's close to being six months... I really didn't think I'd still cry so often. I read the Rememberance Topic every few days I'm sure like the rest of you. I didn't visit until after Opal crossed the bridge. Now I cry along with people, and when they talk about what they're feeling - I unfortunately can empathize.


    Opie will be gone six months on the 4th. I have a picture of her right next to my desk - one as the background of my cell phone, and one I can look at when I pull down the visor in my car :huh Even thought she only had me for 10 months - I miss her more than anything in this world! She did SO much for me and I know you have all had one of those...


    I got Eden in November. I love her dearly! She is so sweet and cuddly. She farts ALL the time :P Not really a lady AT ALL :blush But I love her none the less. I almost feel guilty that I have a "favorite". That just feels terrible - but Eden... isn't Opal. Sometimes I talk to Eden about the things Opie used to do and I wonder if she can sense that Opal was my heart dog. Maybe in time I will feel the same about Eden as I felt so quickly about Opie. Is that "normal"? It makes me feel terrible inside that I think Opal was the most perfect, beautiful, special dog EVER! Does that go away...

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