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Posts posted by GreyWrangler

  1. I had to wrap Sprite's elbow last night as the hard point of the elbow was red and irritated. I put on some double antibiotic ointment then a gauze pad and then the elastic bandage. I then had to repeat the process of my father as he'd fallen and cut his elbow earlier in the day and had bled through the band-aids (he's on coumadin).


    this was after getting home from taking Red to the vets and getting his epilepsy addressed. He had another seizure tuesday afternoon, then one at 2:45 am wed. Sigh. So we upped his Phenobarb from 100mg bid to 200mg bid for 5 doses then down to 150mg bid with prn diazepam for when he does seize. one tab (10mg) as soon as he is out of the post ictal phase then another 8 hrs then 16 hrs later.


    This am Sprite ate her whole breakfast, it was 3/4 cup of kibble (california natural chicken) and half a beef heart patty.


    Tonight it was a cup of kibble and the other half of the beef heart patty. She only left a few pieces of kibble for Red to clean up.

    breakfast will be a bite or two of beef heart, ground chicken and a cup of kibble. No veggies or other mix ins.


    Thank you for all the good wishes and prayers.

  2. day 8 since surgery.


    Parents took her to vets office since there was swelling in her foot, more so than usual after a bandage change.


    He surgeon actually had time for more than a peek, and talked to the parents. They didn't call with an update

    so i figured tht they just did a bandage change or lossened it.



    So what do I see when I get home:










    and finally







    WOO HOO now i have to find a sock so she cannot lick it all night or test out the bitter apple spray

  3. They took the drain out today. Looks good. A few stitches removed too!


    They added more padding around her elbow so she is doing a western walk, swinging the leg out and around

    since she cannot bend the elbow.


    Kerri's healthy foods are bringing her weight back up, but we need to stuff extra calories into her so she got

    a Wendy's jr bacon cheeseburger today, and 3/4 my order of fries and two bites of my grilled chicken.


    She also ate her full supper which had more straight beef heart than chicken/cereal/veggie mix and she loved

    it, almost licked the bowl clean.

  4. Today she practically wolfed (as well as a toothless hound can wolf) down the ground chicken given to me for her by Mom2sweetpotatoes. I did mix in some oats and cereal and just a bit of garlic.


    I have some chicken nugget/raw food stuff to have given to her for lunch, and then either beef heart or more chicken for dinner. Probably chicken and the beef for breakfast.


    I will mix kibble back in when she is off the extra pain meds and the antibiotic.


    She has become a master of taking a mouthful of food and getting the meat off and dropping the kibble out. Which both Red and Lottie like, but not good for when i am trying to get the calories into her. I will have to try buttered toast.


    Thanks again Kerri.



  5. She had a bandage change today and vet nurse said it looks good, but there still was some drainage from

    the drain so they left that in. One of the staff dvm's looked it over. Her surgeon fit her in monday before

    a mini vacation. We go monday at 11:45 or the next change and probable drain removal then.


    her spirits are high and she is tolerating her meds well except for not wanting to eat her kibble. So I made

    something of a meatloaf concotion for her. She loves it and Lottie was trying to get some of the good

    smelling beef, oatmeal, total cereal, eggs, and garlic mixture. I included a handfull of kibble to tonight's

    dinner and will add more tomorrow, hopefully getting her back onto mostly kibble by monday

  6. Update:


    She is home. Woo Hooo

    She had a samll supper, like a quarter cup of food, plus hamburger to hide her three meds and to tempt her appitite.

    then she napped and i got a couple of none graphic picture, just stiches showing.







    the stiches along the front of the shoulder where for a lump that wasn't visible




    the lump along her chest is just a cyst that has not changed in several years so we leave it alone.



    then after a good long nap she got up, went out and left a good puddle, then after another short nap I

    tempted her to eat some more, another quater cup of soaked kibble with some pot roast and gravy.


    weird eyes, snaggle tooth and all.




  7. as of 11pm last night she had been doing well and was sleeping comfotably.


    I went to bed with good thoughts then was awaken at 3am by Red have a seizure. Sigh.


    He came out of it well, went out did a puddle then settled back on his bed and was soon in a

    peaceful dream state, where as I was WIDE awake and contemplated calling the vet's again,

    but refrained. I will be doing so again soon.


    Thank you all for your good thoughts.





  8. previous story: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...p;hl=elbow+lump


    her tumors came back, six distinct lumps on her right elbow and shoulder.


    Surgery was today and she did well. chest x-ray clean, labs fine. And she came out on the anesthesia too.

    Her temp never dropped, stayed steady through the whole thing at 101ish. Her surgeon said it looked like

    some of the tumors had died, having outgrown their blood supply. He was to send of biopsies.


    I have a couple of before pictures that even make me sqeamish and I will post them later after I find my

    batteries and the camera cable. (still trying to find things from having moved.


    Thank you for reading.


    eta: location of tumors

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