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Posts posted by GreytNut

  1. Raven is a spook (more of a borderline spook these days... she's gotten better). The vet said she had a hard time going under anesthesia for her hematoma removal/dental because she struggled and fought. He didn't mention her having any particular difficulties coming back up.


    I wonder if there's something to this.

  2. look between their toes for evidence of webbing, if found, check the neck area for gills, rub especially behind the ears to make sure (pleasureable groans may indicate incipient gilldom), gills must be sprayed with water until the fish food wears off. webbed toes tend to be permanent tho. no evidence the webbing helps them swim unless combined with gills.


    p.s. - gilled greyhounds have been clocked at 45 knots underwater for short distances.


    They're in real trouble, then. We're in the middle of a drought. :lol


    The Big D seems to have resolved. Other than both of them shooting the occasional hopeful glances at the shelf (maybe more fish food will appear?) that seems to be the end of it.



  3. A certain ironically-named brindle dog who is taller than I am when he stands up on his hind legs got it into his head to raid the supposedly way-out-of-reach fish supply shelf today. A certain petite black dog helped him devour the spoils of his hunt... ergo, three jars of assorted betta food in their entirety and a jar of bloodworms. They also nabbed a bottle of Stress Coat, but it must have tasted/smelled horrible because it was still full despite having a puncture toward the top of the bottle, so they didn't ingest much if any of that.


    Aside from the messy diarrhea now decorating the back yard, what will the orgy of betta food and treats do to them? Anything? I'm inclined to think that Big D will be the extent of it.


    The fish are going hungry tonight. Tomorrow night the new fish food will be stored inside a child-locked cabinet, which just to be safe will also require a step stool to reach. There is no display of determination quite as impressive as Tiny's when he is on the prowl for forbidden fruit. Thank goodness he doesn't have opposable thumbs.

  4. That sounds an awful lot like a corn. They can be quite painful to walk on.


    I'd be more concerned if she had pain in other parts of her foot, joints, etc. But what you describe sounds... corny. :rolleyes:


    The vet will obviously be able to tell, but I don't think you need to climb the walls if you have to wait for a Monday appointment. ;)

  5. Raven's pathology report came back negative for cancer. They got all of the mass and it is unlikely to return. Woo hoo! :yay


    Her incision healed up very well--no thanks to her. Raven was intent on destroying her bandage and yanking her stitches out, so I resorted to keeping her dressed in jammies for two weeks until it was no longer itchy/tempting for her. She thought I really sucked for keeping her in jammies in the summertime, but it paid off. She has a nice clean, smooth, barely-noticeable scar with no infection and her hair is growing back in.


    Her mouth is STILL sore. She winces when I try to look at it and I don't dare give her any chewies. The vet said it'll probably be sore for another two weeks. She had a canine pulled which had about the longest root he'd ever seen. It left a hole so big it had to be stitched. Thus, no need to panic that she hasn't fully healed there yet. No sign of infection, which is great.




  6. Wow, that house has gone from Hillbilly Bob's Redneck Roach Motel to something out of an LL Bean catalog.




    ETA: If it wasn't for the town of Kodiak, Kodiak would be a beautiful place to live. Those pics are amazing. Although... is that a riding lawnmower chassis that's washed ashore?

  7. If she's shaking with pain several days after dental and spay, something is very very wrong. I'd get her seen ASAP, like in the next half hour ......


    Yup, something is wrong.


    Is your vet open on weekends or do you have an e-vet you can take her to? With pain so bad it's making her shake days later, I'd suspect a bad infection, which could be immediately life-threatening.

  8. She's feeling quite a bit better. Still not herself yet, but she's stopped drooling and is bright-eyed. She doesn't want to budge from her bed, but if I bring her meals she eats them with gusto, and she has fun snuggling with/nudging around her stuffed sheep. She'll get up if something really interesting is going on and she just has to be part of it. She was licking at her incision so I had to put her lightweight jammies on to keep her from it.


    And... she learned how to destuff her bandage. :eek It looked like a blizzard in here this morning.

  9. Glad to hear she is doing good. Didn't they give her a little something to relax her before the anesthesia? That would've helped her not fight so hard. I didn't know that they had sealants for dogs. Thanks for that bit of info. I'll check into it on Navi's next visit.


    Orajel sealant is applied during the dental. After that you maintain at home with weekly applications rubbed onto the teeth, IIRC. She'll get her first at-home treatment in a couple of weeks.

  10. Raven came out of surgery just fine. Apparently she fought the anesthesia and had a hard time going to sleep, but she woke up like a champ. She lost seven teeth (!) and a good chunk out of her chest. We'll have the pathology results on her hematoma in about a week. They applied a sealant called Orajel in hopes of keeping her teeth in good shape, which along with CET chews and brushing with Denta Treat may do the trick.


    She is still loopy from the drugs and very sore. She's drooling blood and curled up on her bed, stoned out of her gourd.


    When she is a bit more aware, she will get her guilt presents--a very soft sheep pillow/toy to rest that sore head on and some squishy treats.

  11. Raven has had a small hematoma on her neck/chest area for quite a while. It's never bothered her, and two different vets have told me not to mess with it. All of a sudden, though, it has bulged up and started rupturing and leaking blood. Last night it broke again and wouldn't stop dripping, so she went in to the vet bright and early this morning. They bandaged her up and she's coming back again on Wednesday to have it removed. It's got quite a network of arteries feeding it so it will be a difficult/messy removal. They want to send it away to pathology to make sure it hasn't become cancerous, since its "behavior" has changed.


    While she's out she's going to have a dental. No sense in putting her under anesthesia twice. Looks like one of her canines will need to go, and one of her molars. Total estimated cost for this whole adventure: $1,600. Ouch for her, and for the bank account too!


    Raven's hematoma... from harmless to icky in one night:




    Raven sez she likes her stylin' red bandage. Tiny isn't so sure about it, though.




    Please wish this old gal some good luck!



  12. You never really know how long you have. The vet told us 4 months, but Argus was gone in just over 2 weeks. Wendy's Snowman lived for several months. It just seems to be a crap shoot.


    The most important thing is to aggressively manage her pain. When you can't keep the pain down, it's time. When that will be, nobody knows. Spoil her rotten and enjoy each day with her.


    I'm sorry.



  13. It would be well worth the money to hire a cleaning crew and a yard crew to get that place in shape for you. Then tell the landlord, "You're welcome, and we're taking it off the next month's (or three's) rent.


    That's disgusting and no one should be expected to move into a place that has been left in that kind of condition, nor should you be expected to do the work yourselves after such a long trip. If the landlord squawks about you charging him for cleaning the place up, I would imagine you have legal recourse and that the military may help you, yes?

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