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Posts posted by HooversMom

  1. Oh, no.... I am SO sorry. As hard as The Decision is, you have given your sweet angel the best gift you could possibly give: the ability to pass from his sick body and into eternal freedom with love, peace, and his dignity intact.


    We wish you peace, comfort, and many happy memories. Our tears and prayers are with you.



  2. :(  :(  :( Do we ever get over this horrible pain?  :(



    There seem to be an awful lot of sweet babies crossing the Bridge lately. I can't bring myself to cry for my Sissy, going through chemo for a cancer that will no doubt cause us to have to say goodbye sooner than I'd like. The fact that we know they all have to go sometime, that we all gave them many lifetimes of love in the time they are with us, the fact that they touch our hearts in ways we cannot even fathom, doesn't seem to help much sometimes. The best I can do is cry for the losses of others here. I feel I know your dogs from all the wonderful stories, and I thank you for letting me share a little part of your beautiful dogs' lives.


    When my Fox crossed over last year, I made this page. Reading these words really helped me a lot, and I hope they can help someone else feel a little bit better:





    "Life is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last."

    -Arthur Conan Doyle



  3. We're so sorry for your family's loss. What a beautiful gift Ariel was given -- a peaceful passing with dignity and love. Godspeed, little cutie. The angels will all enjoy those bright button eyes!



  4. One year ago today, our beloved horse companion passed away after a long battle with chronic laminitis.


    Thank you for all the lessons, brave bright angel boy. We know we'll all meet again someday at the Bridge. We hope there's lots of applesauce in Heaven.


    With love, your family, especially Mama & Hoover





  5. We are sad to report that one of Sirius Blue's beautiful sisters, Ferrari/Electra has died in a freak accident. They were very careful to puppy proof their yard, but a plastic bird feeder came apart and the pup got her head wedged in one of the pieces and suffocated.


    We are all devastated by this loss, especially her adoptive mom, Jill, and her family. Please say a little prayer for them. This was truly an accident that no one could have foreseen and they shouldn't feel guilty.


    The good news is, they have adopted little Mercedes, who "bounced" from her first adopter.


    Godspeed, little one...


    :brokenheart Hoover's Family :angel

  6. Maddison has left us for The Bridge tonight.


    I'll write more when I can.




    We are all so sorry for your loss.


    Wishing you peace, comfort, and many happy memories.



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