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Posts posted by gryhnd_adoptee

  1. Did he by chance recently have innoculations? My Lulu had a seizure out of the blue one day, and I had her at the vet within a couple hours for a blood draw. It showed her liver ALT was very high. She had just been to the vet two weeks prior and had her distemper/rabies shot, and while the vet will not say they are related, I suspect they were. Ever since then, I have always done titers.


    Was the innoculation truly related to the seizures, nobody knows for sure. An elevated ALT level means the liver is responding to a toxic event in the body which would have certainly made sense on the heels of her shot. The further in time we got away from the innoculation, the farther apart her seizures became.

  2. I'm not sure how to contact his siblings, athough if tomorrow's bone marrow biopsy does not provide results I think I will!


    His panting absolutely could be due to shortness of breath/lightheadedness, I have no idea if it is due to his anemia or because of pain. I am hoping that the bone marrow tomorrow is the final piece of the puzzle and we can figure out what he has so we can get him started on steroids or pain meds or something... crossing my fingers for something manageable..


    thank you everyone for your kind words.. I know many people get frustrated when something is wrong with their animal and you're not getting any answers, but from working in this field and working intimately with many doctors you begin to learn that there is no magic wand to diagnose an animal. there are many cases that dont present as "classic" cases that take months to diagnose- if they even get a diagnosis... Sometimes you dont know until the necropsy when its too late. (morbid, i know). The doctors are doing a fantastic job of trying to get this figured out and have everyone imaginable involved. It helps that I work at the hospital so the doctors are being very open and honest about everything. they want to figure it out as much as I do! Now that good Samaritan is on board we can do the biopsy and the coagulopathy tests and hopefully get to the bottom of it!


    On another note, my birthday is next week and my boyfriend got me a really sweet present :) its very shiny and pretty in person



    Here is one of his sibs adopted thru SEGA. Type in the name Monroe to bring up Glo's Monroe. Not sure why the information disappears when the link is clicked, but it will take you to the search page of SEGA



  3. I was just browsing around on FB and came across this link which was posted on a holistic pet page. It mentions oxygen deprivation with low red blood cell count. This supports my post earlier about how I felt when I was low on red blood cells, so it seems it is the same for dogs as well as people.


    I was hoping the article had more information overall, but has some useful information. I might be inclined to ask the vet if it's safe to continue walks until you can find out some more information on his condition. I would be afraid of the affects on Nekos body with lower oxygen supply during a walk.


    I so hope the vets can get to the bottom of what is causing the bleeding. It's so frustrating not knowing.....sure wish our pups could talk to us!



  4. The update so far is that he has been having many heavy, fast panting sessions when he wakes up (the house is cool, its not heat). I am concerned there is a little pain, but he still is acting playful and excited to go on walks. I found a new bruise on his groin yesterday :(. He has an appointment for 10 AM wednesday morning for the bone marrow biopsy (they took forever to get back to me) and I am going to shuttle a blood sample over to good samaritan hospital that same morning. Unfortunately I wont know more until then!

    Just throwing a thought out to the wind here. Many, many years ago I had a health issue which caused a great deal of blood loss, but slowly over a pretty long period of time (I was fixed up with transfusions and surgery), but because it was a gradual thing, I never tied it to the fact that I was easily winded whenever I got up to walk anywhere, even if it was across the room. Part of what was happening was as my red blood cells were decreasing with the loss, so was my oxygen carrying ability causing my lungs and heart to suffocate due to lack of oxygen.....thus always short of breath. I was told after I was all fixed up that I could have suffered a heart attack due to the lack of oxygen my body needed to function. I was beyond anemic, and instead of red blood cell rich blood, I was mostly water.


    Just a crazy thought......but do you think that would be the same kind of thing going on with Neko? Could he be panting due to shortness of oxygen rather than pain?

  5. Kare Bear has been the same recently too, and typically the same thing happens every year about this time. I just thought it was because as the weather gets nicer, we tend to walk them, and take them out and about more often. A Kare Bear and Tessie the FUZZZZZZ would never get caught with their noses in a kibble dish or they just might miss out on an opportunity to run to the door to go someplace exciting :hehe


    I wonder if it has anything to do with their bodies preparing for the major springtime shed??

  6. Hey everyone! This beautiful creature is the newest member of my family, she is a 20 month old American Staghound, which is part Greyhound part Scottish Deerhound that I adopted from a rescue. I had every intention of adopting a retired racer and that is what I was looking for when I came across this girl and it was love at first sight! This is my first sighthound so I am sure I will have MANY questions and look forward to getting to know some of you. I was very pleased to hear that this community doesn't discriminate to "the fuzzies" as I really want to have a place to turn when I have questions!







    Ohhh myyyy....she is just stunning! From one "FUZZY" owner to another...Welcome!

  7. You can do a warm epsom salt soak to help clean and heal it. I usually mix a handfull of salts in a big soup pot and have the girls stand with the injured foot in the pot. I soak them for as long as they will stay, and sweet talk and belly rubs help them to stand in one place longer. I also use a turkey baster down in the water to make it like a whirlpool bath as it keeps the water moving during the soak. The epsom salt helps to clean and debrade a minor injury.

  8. Any experience with this? One vet mentioned this to help with her Big D.

    We used it for Kare Bear a while back and it was awesome. You need very little per dose (1/8 tsp?) which I think was twice a day, but it is very bitter. I think I mixed it in either canned food or yogurt and she did great on it.

  9. well that's almost useless :lol Hopefully we can get rid of them totally and never have a problem again.




    We're not sure if Larry has them or not, I can't see (even after 2 days of Panacur) any worms in there but then again, they're both getting rice so that looks like worms as it is ... Larry just started with diarrhea over the weekend, so we suspect worms....but I don't know, he's not a poop eater so not sure how he could have gotten them too. Plus I know he's been on heartworm meds since we got him.


    Doesn't have to be a poop eater to pick them up. All it takes is making the mistake of stepping in some infested poop, and later cleaning their feet and ingesting them. Hooks are nasty buggers. My Kare Bear has tested positive twice in the several years we have had her so far, and I have always been vigilant about meds.

  10. Petslife oral spray should hel.p

    Petslife also has a stronger spray that you can only get from the vet.


    Lazer has terrible teeth and very inflamed infected gums. due to his PLN/clotting/heart issues we have not done a dental in a couple years


    I have been using Petslife oral spray with Lazer with minimal effect - but I attribute that to his sever tarter problems..


    There is also a products called OxyDoc. you can dilute it and spray it onto the teeth - it has anit-bacterial/fungal properties - this could also help.

    OxyDoc has no taste,, so Lazer likes this one better. OxyDoc also has had minimal effect on Lazer - again ,,, lazer has sever tarter issues....


    The best thing so far for lazer has been to get him chewing on Raw Turkey necks. this has actually started to wear the tarter off - and with the

    added sprays -- I think :goodluck we are making some headway with his red gum infection issue.

    I second the Petzlife. I am not often vigilant as I should be with brushing, but when I notice a bit of pink at the gumline I brush and in a couple days her gums look a LOT better.

  11. I am so sorry. I have been where you are, and all of the other suggestions are good suggestions. I will add just one small one which someone else suggested to me when we went thru osteo with our girlie. As hard as it is to do, you should not show any sadness around Mia. Greys are such intuitive dogs, that they can pick up and mirror your emotions. If you are sad with your pup, she will be sad too. I would come home all happy happy and high pitched happy voice and my girlie would be all waggy butt, then I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry knowing I was going to lose my girlie. Dogs live in the moment, and have no clue they are as ill as we know them to be. If you show happy, Mia will mirror happy.


    Love and spoil her senseless during this journey.

  12. Yep, it really is that small of an amount, and works wonders too. Our girlie Kare Bear came down with the diarrhea during the Taste of the Wild recall a while back. Not sure if it was related to the diarrhea or not, but she was on it for a week. It was very soon after the first dose that she started to feel better. It is very bitter though and we had to mix it in some really stinky canned food to get her to take it. The loved that part.

  13. :yay the chews are in! We will get them tomorrow, so only 2 more doses of nasty syrup. :yay


    He is doing a little better today. Still not on his bed much, which is weird.


    And sutures come out tomorrow too!


    Just a thought, but does he like yogurt? I give liquid Glucosamine to my girls and add it to yogurt and they go crazy for it.

  14. When we first got Tessie, she was awful at having her nails trimmed. She waould practically turn herself inside out trying to hide her feet from me. I took her to a groomer who placed her in the bath tub with the shower head on. While the groomer worked on one foot, I sprayed the others alternately with the shower head. This re-directed her attention to each foot which was being sprayed, and took her thoughts off the trimming. We did this for several months, followed by loads of sweet talk, praise, and treats. Now she will let me trim her nails any time while standing up with little struggle at all.

  15. We were one of the unfortunate ones whose pack did try and attack Saint. They did it twice and the only thing that kept them from getting him was me. I put myself between him and the pack. They continued to charge at him even with me yelling at them. I actually had to kick a couple of them to make them stop. Fortunately I didn't get bit and the hardest one to control was Jilly Bean. She kept trying to get between my legs. Pack attacks are not pretty and I would never, ever put a seizure dog at risk of one while seizing, especially when I was away. Saint slept happily in a crate his entire life and he was crated when we left the house and the other dogs were either crated or muzzled when we had to be away from the house because I didn't want them turning on each other if they couldn't get to Saint. Despite the precautions Saint lived a very long and happy life with his seizures controlled by two medications for almost 7 years and passed away just before his 11th birthday from something totally unrelated to his epilepsy.


    Oh my goodness!! And Jilly was the instigator! So sorry you had to experience that. Do you think with just two dogs, I should still worry? Henry has had the run of the house since Day 1, so I would hate to start crating him now. Truman has been with us through two seizures. Both times, he didn't seem to notice and carried on about his business. After the most recent one, Truman came up to Henry and looked at him inquisitively, then walked away. If we still had Payne, I would be very concerned about him attacking because he was more of a "pack leader."


    I had a grey who developed siezures at about 5 years old; two weeks after her distemper/parvo innoculation. Coincidence? Nobody can say for sure. Ever since then, I have titered all my dogs ahead of innoculations, and have not innoculated in some time except for rabies.


    I lost my seizure girl to unrelated osteo a couple years later, but at the time it was only her, and another very shy skittish grey in the house. My shy girl would get very, very agressive when my Lulu siezed. I had to physically put myself between them several times so the seizure dog was not injured. My shy girls whole demeanor changed when Lu seized. She would get a crazed look in her eyes, drooled a lot, and went after Lu very agressively. It was almost as if she didn't know what she was doing. She wouldn't listen to a word I had to say either...she just wanted after my seizing dog.


    I kept both my girls safe at the time by gating them off into two parts of the house while we were gone. Because we never knew when there was going to be a seizure, we needed for all to be safe. Lu was in an area where she would not get tangled up in anything, of fall into, or down any stairs if we were away. I changed her food to grain free, and began giving her a "snack" of an extra handful of food at night before bedtime to boost her glucose levels thru the night. I also began titers as stated above. Over time with all these changes, it seemed that the farther in time we got away from the innoculations, the farther apart the seizures became. Coincidence? Again, nobody will know for sure.

  16. Sadly, I know right where you're at. We were in this same place with our LuluBelle in her last couple of weeks. Her appetite started to wane, and finally she just would not eat, so I exhausted myself trying to be creative. At this stage, they get whatever they want, whether it's good for them or not. It would take me an hour in the morning, and I would spend two hours at night when I got home from work trying to get her to eat anything she would accept. It was very difficult to figure out what appealed to her on what days.


    What I found was whatever worked on one day, never worked again...not even by the next day. I had more containers of leftovers in my fridge than if I cooked for a huge party and nobody showed up. Some things I found to work:


    Satin Balls - while Lulu never ate raw, she devoured these for several days in a row.

    Canned dog food, the meatloaf consistancy kind over the chunky stuff with the gravies

    Melted peanut butter mixed into regular kibble

    Toast smeared with peanut butter

    Deli roast beef

    Deli Turkey Breast

    Baby meats in a jar - she would usually eat four in a row - they are really tiny, but it was something

    Vanilla Ensure - had to be very cold!

    Boiled chicken livers and gizzards

    Dry Cheerios - they make peanut butter ones now too!


    Sending hugs and good thoughts your way during this very difficult time!

  17. Okee dokee, new muzzles and muzzle keepers ordered. Today was very stressful for me because we had to leave them home ALL day with no muzzles. I had visions of coming home to a bloody murder scene :puke Luckily, no dog was harmed. However, I can't say the same for a certain plant...




    But ohhhhhh, sweet Lucy. While I was cleaning up the mess left by my adorable babes, she grabs the largest piece of annihilated plant she can find and prances around me with it. Sooooo cute... :crazy


    :haha The skin kid in the background did that...I just know it! Can you put them in separate areas with a baby gate between them? My Kare Bear gets the upstairs to herself, with all the human beds, and Tessie gets the downstairs to herself with the couches. The gate is at the top of the stairs.

  18. My grey was always on FF starting at age 5, I started her on the joint formula this year and she would not eat it, at this point being she is almost 14 I have her on Novox for pain mgmt, but I feel I kept her going a lot longer by giving the joint supps so early


    Were you using the original Joint Health or the new formula with Boswilla? My guys wouldn't touch the stuff when they came out with the new formula so now they have both. I think the Joint Health Advanced has the Boswilla in it.


    I got the advanced recently with the Boswilla. My pups will not touch it either. I end up cutting each tablet into 4 pieces and burying them in Jiff peanut butter. Most days Kare Bear is onto me, and Tessie gets Kareys dose instead of hers.

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