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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Jackandgrey


    I'm so sorry Sheila. He was such a good boy. I'm glad he had you.
  2. I'm so very glad she doesn't have cancer Judy. The blindness, well that you can deal with. your Emmy will be with you and that is all that matters. She can do this with you.
  3. Can you let them know what's going on with him? Maybe they might change up the pre-draw routine ie shorten it , considering he seems to be so very symptomatic.
  4. The decision you make will be right one. I know it's hard.
  5. My Jack is 9 years old. he has osteo of the back left femur. I know exactly how you are feeling right now. He was diagnosed May 22. I know. I have just gone through exactly what you arre going through. In the end, I decided on palliative care for my boy. No amputation. Jack is so shy and scared that I felt the amp and chemo was not right for him. That doesn't mean it is not right for another dog or another family. He currently is on Tramadol and Meloxocam for pain. Aside for the occasional shakiness of that leg, at this moment he is happy, painfree and living his life joyously. We go for walks. he trots around his backyard and lies in the sun. He gets whatever wonderful treat I can find for him. He loves to eat still. I look at him and can't believe are time together is coming to an end but he doesn't think that way so I am determined to enjoy the days or weeks or months that we have. I promised him he wouldn't suffer, that he could leave me in his own bed in his own home when he is ready. But right now? We are happy. My heart grieves for yours,
  6. I'll be thinking of you and so hoping it's nothing as serious as you fear Judy. Hugs to you all.
  7. Thanks everyone for your responses. It's always a worry.....
  8. Thanks Batmom. I think I'll try a trial of Pepcid and see if it makes a difference as well as talk to the vet. I would have to weigh further investigations for my shy boy who is on palliative care reagrdless but of course we will do what is necessary and in his best interests.
  9. Jack has osteo and is on Tramadol and Meloxicam which is very effective right now at keeping any bone pain under control. He is happy and active. Eating well and enjoying life. However, he is drinking tons for him and peeing a correspondingly large amount. Does anyone know if this sounds like a usual or likely side effect of either of these drugs? It is not a problem ;just a curiosity. He is not on any pred. Thanks for any input. Update* I tried the Pepcid and it seems to have made a marked difference. Jack is back to drinking, I would say, pretty much normal amounts and therefore peeing normal amounts, again. So thanks Batmom. It never crossed my mind that drinking was an indication of an upset tummy. He seemed to be handling the meds so well. He has even reduced his grass grazing although that is a favourite activity that he won't give up altogether I'm sure. I will continue to watch him closely though.
  10. I agree but heartworm meds in Winnipeg in February? Uh No! This kind of argument will simply dilute the important message. At -35 there is no risk of the disease and little risk of hooks or whips unless imported by a dog newly up from the states. Once treated. Those parasites are not surviving in the soil here either.
  11. Oh Tami, I so know how you feel about your boy. I hope and pray that his ultra sound is good.
  12. I'm thinking of you and Bodie so often and wishing you the very best days possible.
  13. We don't tend to have fleas here. It might be the lake or it could be grass. Try the benadryl and then do some detective work. Hose her down after she's been in the lake. and try some baby wipes on her for the grass.
  14. I wish I could wrap you both in my arms. You are a special boy Bodie. i'm glad you're going home.
  15. for Connor Amanda. What did I tell you? This is a good place or what?
  16. I'm so glad to hear she is having good days
  17. I forget that sometimes too. It's a good reminder. Hurry up Saturday!
  18. I'm so glad you have a Dx Amanda. I thought it was IBD. There are a number of people here who have dogs with it and should be able to offer help. I know for many feeding raw in the end seems to be the most help. Most vets hate that I think.
  19. Ahh Bodie you did a good thing buddy. Hurry up Saturday so you can go home to mummy.
  20. My goodness that was a terrible injury . I wonder what was in that water?
  21. I hope she'll be home with you soon. All fixed up safe and sound.
  22. Jackandgrey


    Oh Hilda! I am so sorry for the loss of your so beautiful Snowy. What a sad year you've had. I don't have any words. Rest easy now Snowy. You have so many friends at the Bridge and so many who will miss you here
  23. I can get you a chiro and accupuncturist name Amanda.
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