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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Casey was our first greyhound, and was one of the "green eared dogs". He came from a place where the folks had learned to trust greyhound adoption, but not enough to allow one of their dogs to be traced back to them. Casey taught us about greyhounds, how they can look into your soul, how gentle and mighty their love is, and how there is no other breed of dog that is quite like an NGA greyhound, and how an ex-racer has a certain grace and self discipline about them. Casey was 4 when we adopted him. We lost Casey when he was only 8. Charlie was our fourth greyhound. He had made a long trip from Alabama on a hauler that brought 23 greyhounds from Alabama to Houston. From his first day when we would go to the kennel to feed and let the greys out to potty, instead of running out in the yard like the rest, Charlie would stay at my side like he was glued there. He was our velcro dog. He was only with us for two years, we adopted him at 4, and he was lost to osteosarcoma at 6. Maggie was our third greyhound. Oh my Maggie girl, she grinned all the time, she talked to me every night, she loved to play, throwing stuffies in the air, she was the champ at wiggling her way in, pushing the others back so she could be first for rubbing and ear scritches. She was the champion roacher of all time. I miss Maggie so much. We adopted Maggie at 4, and we lost her at 11 1/2, not to the liver problems she was being treated for, but to a sudden blood clot. She was playing with a stuffie one minute, and the next minute she was down. They have all taught me that my home would not be a home without several greyhounds lounging around and stuffies all over the place. Molly was our second greyhound. Molly is my hearthound, my special girl who taught me about spooky greyhounds and so much more. Next weekend will be four years since Molly went to the bridge. Molly was with us from age 3 to almost 13. There is not a day that Molly doesn't come to me in some way. I know she is always near. I love you baby girl. (Edited 02/05/09)
  2. I am so sorry. Run free sweet Iberia, whole and pain free at the Rainbow Bridge.
  3. Check on it's way. I will only ask about two of mine, since they are related, having the same dam. Nina's Qutie http://www.greyhound-data.com/db.php?d=Nina%27s+Qutie Nina's Bandit http://www.greyhound-data.com/db.php?d=Nina%27s+Bandit
  4. Molly, no one will know when you are ready but you. Between 1994 and 1996 we adopted four greyhounds. Within six months in 1998 we lost two of those greyhounds, our first adoption, Casey, and our fourth adoption, Charlie were both lost to cancer at the ages of 8 and 6, they both went down very quickly, within two weeks of diagnosis, they had to be helped to the Bridge. It took me a long time to be able to adopt again, over two years, and I probably would not have even then, had my DH not started bringing it up. Then in December 2002 we lost Maggie, age 11, who was our third adoption, a blood clot to the leg got Maggie. I miss my Maggie so much, but this time it was me who wanted to adopt again, but DH wasn't ready. I ended up fostering two greyhounds, and we adopted one of them. I think you will know when you are ready, that could be next week or next year. Just take care of yourself, allow yourself to grieve, and when you cry over Ted's loss, realize that is a normal reaction. A year from now, five years from now, you may still cry over Ted's loss, but that's OK, and it doesn't mean you can't love another.
  5. Molly, I understand how devastating it is to lose a greyhound, we lost two in the same year, they were only 8 and 6. It took me several years to be able to adopt again. Since then, we have lost another last December, at age 11, her loss was also very sudden. I still cry, and am so sad when I read about anyone else losing their fur babies. The oldest of my four greyhounds now, is 11, and has had cancer. It scares me so, because I know she could go downhill at any time, and she is my heart hound. I don't know how I will cope with the pain when my Molly leaves me, but I will have to go on because there are other greyhounds who need my love. Grieve for as long as you need to, and in time, I know you will want to reach out to another. With your own diagnosis of RA, research, read, find out as much as you can, and seek a second, and even a third opinion if your doctor does not seem to be aggressive enough in treatment. I am a heart failure patient, my heart disease is not the normal clogged arteries kind, mine came from an infection that went to my heart. Had I stayed with my first cardiologist, I might not be here by now, but after him treating me for three years and I'm sitting in his office and he shakes his head and says "I had thought this would help you, but it's not", and he had no other options, I left his office, came home, got on the computer and found another cardiologist. This one has helped me with medication, but in addition to him, recently I was having problems with passing out, my doctor put me in the hospital, ran a bunch of tests, but after five days had nothing new to offer. I sought out an electrophysiologist who is a different type of cardiologist, and he did have another option for the passing out, so I go to both of them, and they are working in cooperation with each other. My reason for telling you all of this is to encourage you to be aggressive and take charge of your treatment for RA. Doctors are just people, they don't all know everything. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  6. Greytlady94

    To My Ted

    THE SPIRIT OF A GREYHOUND I was standing on a hillside In a field of blowing wheat, And the spirit of a Greyhound Was lying at my feet. He looked at me with kind dark eyes, Ancient wisdom shining through. In the essence of his being, I saw the love there too. His mind did lock upon my heart As I stood there on that day, And he told me of this story About a place so far away. As I stood upon that hillside In a field of blowing wheat, In a twinkling of a second His spirit left my feet. His tale did put my heart at ease, All my fears did fade away About what lay ahead of me On another distant day. "I live among God's creatures now In the heavens of your mind, So do not grieve for me, my friend As I am with my kind. My collar is a rainbow's hue, My leash is a shooting star. My boundaries are the Milky Way Where I sparkle from afar. There are no pens or kennels here For I am not confined, But I'm free to roam God's heavens Among the Greyhound kind. I nap the day on a snowy cloud Gentle breezes rocking me, And dream the dreams of earthlings, And how it used to be. The trees are full of liver treats, And tennis balls abound, And milkbones line the walkways Just waiting to be found. There even is a ring set up, The grass all lush and green; And everyone who gaits around Becomes the Best of breed. For we're all winners in this place; We have no faults, you see. And God passes out those ribbons To each one, even me. I drink from waters laced with gold, My world a beauty to behold; And wise old dogs do form my pride To amble at my very side. At night I sleep in angel's arms, Her wings protecting me, And moonbeams dance about us As stardust falls on thee. So when your life on earth is spent And you stand at Heaven's gate, Have no fear of loneliness-- For here, you know, I wait. Author unknown
  7. I am so sorry. She knew she was loved, try to remember that, and you gave her all that you could. Cheyenne is running pain free at the Bridge with all who had gone before her.
  8. I am so very sorry. Your pain is so terrible, and I understand that. I still cry for my grey angels, I always will, and you will always cry for Ted. Without a great love, there would be no great loss, but then we would miss out so much if we didn't give that love. I have to believe that my grey babies have gone to a better place where there is no pain, no stiff achy joints, no illness, just beautiful clouds and rainbows, and all of their friends who are also there, and I know that they are helping Ted, showing him around, while they watch out for us, and eventually lead us to help another. Grieve, and cry and remember, for as long as it takes, and at some point, your memories will allow you to smile a little through your tears, remembering.
  9. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry. I know that there isn't much that will bring you comfort right now, but after awhile, try to take some comfort in knowing that you made him happy, and that he was loved. Ted is painfree and running with all of the others who have gone before him.
  10. I am so sorry. God speed sweet Bart.
  11. What a special angel, who has now joined our grey babies at the Rainbow Bridge. I know my sweet Maggie was waiting for Suzi with a big smile on her face, two beautiful fawn ladies, along with all of the other beautiful souls. My beloved Maggie, Charlie and Casey, help show Miss Suzi around. It is so tragic for us to lose you, the pain never goes away.
  12. Greytlady94


    The pain never gets any easier, I know. Because of Eliza, non of my greyhounds, and probably many others, whose moms and dads have heard her story, will ever be given rimadyl. How sad she had to lose her life, so others would not lose theirs.
  13. What a beautiful tribute you have written for Ivey. I am so sorry she had to leave you, but I know she is running carefree at the Bridge with all who have gone before her. I hope my grey angels Maggie, Casey & Charlie were right there waiting for her. Rest in peace sweet Ivey, you are in very good company.
  14. I am so sorry, it is so hard to lose them, but to lose one so young, and so suddenly is horrific.
  15. Thank you all for your thoughts, yes, some days are just too hard. I have three beautiful grey babies with me, Molly, Renie and Lucy, and three grey angels at the Bridge, Maggie, Charlie and Casey.
  16. I was picking up the stuffies and toys off the floor and putting them in their toy baskets, and I realized there have not been that many toys scattered around lately, and then I realized why, and it made be sad. Maggie was always the one who would start emptying the toy baskets as soon as I would refill them. She would pick out a toy and wildly shake it around, and then grab another toy to shake, she was such a joy. It is too quiet here also, Maggie was the only one who barked. She and I would "talk" every evening. Also there is a little "yippy" dog that lives two doors down, and everytime my greyhounds would go out in the yard, the little dog would start yipping away, and Maggie would bark back at it, now my greys go out and the little dog yips, but it is silent in my yard, no one barks. I miss my Maggie.
  17. Maggie, Casey & Charlie, we miss you.
  18. Maggie Charlie Casey All three grey babies, and Charlie the beagle You will never be forgotton.
  19. Thank you all for your thoughts, somehow it does help to know that others who didn't even know Maggie are in some way remembering her.
  20. Our sweet Maggie, also known as Kiowa Cacho, went to join her greyhound brothers Casey and Charlie at the Rainbow Bridge today at about 10:00AM. Maggie joined our life in July of 1995 when she retired at the age of four. Maggie was a very big grinner, and every evening she would "talk" to me, barking back to each question I would ask her. She still loved her stuffies, and had a great fondness for Burpdog Biscuits, which she had enjoyed yesterday evening after her Cheerios & vanilla yogurt. There is a great big empty place on her bed, but she will always fill our hearts. Rest in peace sweet Maggie, and run free with all the other beautiful greyhounds, forever young, and with no pain or sadness. We love you very much, and we will always miss you. mom, dad, Molly, Renie, Lucy and foster Orchid
  21. That really is an unbelievable price, Diane, thanks for posting it.
  22. I am so sorry that Justin's life has ended, and in such a tragic way.
  23. I am so sorry. I know how much you and Foster must miss him. When you are ready to adopt again, you'll know.
  24. BUTTS UP - This is the position to get in when you want your human to play.
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