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Posts posted by greymomnc

  1. weep.gif I am so sad to read about Abby. I always enjoyed reading about her and seeing her picture in your signature. Her personality sounds just precious. I know you are missing her right now. I am so very sorry.


    Run free Abby



  2. Could be a staph infection - they are really hard to get rid of. Riley had it for years, it would go away with abx and steroids, but then come back. If it is staph, get Chlorhexiderm shampoo and bathe him every other day for a week, then as needed. After getting this shampoo, I never had to put Riley on meds again and eventually it went away forever.



    This is what I was thinking. We had a weimaraner many years ago that used to get staph infections. Vern would get pink very slightly raised areas on his belly and the insides of his legs. On top of these raised areas was something almost like a layer of dead skin that you could just lift off---almost like peeling skin from a sunburn. I believe he was given Cephalexin when these flare-ups occured. They did not bother him at all. I would just find them while petting him. Hair loss was not really an issue as his belly and inside legs had almost no hair to begin with.

  3. Heather, I am so very sorry. sad.gif I know you are missing her right now. The picture of her on her bed with the sun on her face is just precious...such a kind face. heart.gif


    Sending prayers for your heart to heal.



  4. I missed your statement about Tramadol in your first post. The late Miss Jackie had a number of back problems. She was taking Rimadyl and Tramadol together for some time and got along fine. Then, at age 13 she was diagnosed with lymphoma. We elected not to put her through chemo or surgery due to her age and neurotic nature. The vet increased her Tramadol dosage to manage her pain and the first night she paced ALL NIGHT LONG and just acted odd in general. So, the next day, the vet gave me a low dose of valium to give her to deal with the increased side effects from the higher Tramadol dosage. That did the trick. It was just enough to take the edge off--she did not act dopey or drugged up. If Neyla only does this periodically maybe you could try it once and see what happens. However, it would seem if it were the Tramadol causing it, the behavior would be more consistent. Sorry I missed this the first time I replied. I hope you get to the bottom of this. When they act like that it can be very upsetting. Hugs to you and your girl. grouphug.gif

  5. Jonelle did something similar a few times not long after we adopted her. It happened in the family room and in the bedroom. It turns out she was watching the light from the TV bouncing off the glass coffee table, mirror, and anything with a reflection in it. She acted exactly like your girl in the video.


    When she starts this behavior is the room totally dark? Watching the video, it seemed she was was noticing her shadow on the walls. I know at 4AM probably so, but some people sleep different hours, have the TV on, or sleep with a low light on. Just a thought.

  6. Our first grey Jimmy did this very thing. He did not like to be in our bed with both of us, although he would get up there and nap if only one of us was in the bed. After we'd had him about a year, he started getting up on his own and going to sleep in the guest room bed at night. He always started out in our room on his dog bed. Then, after about 30 minutes he left and slept on the the bed in the guest room until morning. :lol I always thought he liked it because he had more room. He was a tall male and nearly 80 lbs.

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