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Posts posted by scullysmum

  1. Finally....I am able to post a little tribute to my friend Gill's beautiful black girlie Peach (frickin' frackin' computers!!!!)


    I first met Gill and Peach a couple of years ago when they moved in just a little way from me....sadly Miss Sadi was already too old and wobbly to enjoy walks with them, I could barely believe it when Gill told me how old she was...she just looked so good! So, anyway, once Mr Johnny Biskit arrived on the scene we were able to walk them together....although not as often as they or we would like due to conflicting work patterns. Despite being nearly three times his age Peach just could not resist flirting with Johnny, well to be perfectly honest she was a complete hussy :lol


    I was so shocked and saddened when Gill told me that Peach has broken her femur whilst running in the garden and when she got her to the vets they diagnosed the evil osteo....she had not shown any signs of lameness or pain at all. I suppose we can count it as a blessing that her suffering was only short. I know that Gill is heartbroken, and I am going to miss the lovely girl so much.


    Here she is back in November after a wet walk with her Mum and Mr J.B





  2. You are doing the right things....keep up the good work.


    Having a reactive dog is an education....you will learn so much, always err on the side of caution...but from personal experience I know that it's worth it. Angel Sadi took ten months to come good.....Johnny is at 9 months and counting:lol

  3. I have never come across this, Johnny loves lamb raw or cooked.


    Btw. Cooking the lamb will change the taste and the smell which is probably why he was happy to eat it when it was cooked.


    The only really odd reaction to a smell that I have ever come across was with my Scully, he was absolutely terrified of my landlady who came to visit from Canada, we eventually decided it must be because she had pet Ferrets....even though Scully had never met a Ferret.

  4. 14866719763_efa24cc556.jpg

    image by East Hill Photography, on Flickr


    Back at the beginning of December my I bumped into my friend Jackie with her pups and while I was having the usual cuddle with her lovely Deerhound boy Ishmael I noticed that his lymph glands in his throat were enlarged....he had just recovered from a bout of colitis so it was put down to that, two weeks later having not seen her in the meantime I met Peter (Peppersdad) who informed me that the darling boy had been diagnosed with lymphoma and given 4 to 6 weeks, sadly he only lasted two weeks and left for the bridge on Sunday 21st :( .

    My angel Sadi knew Ishmael from when he was a pup, and Johnny also became firm friends with the big wookie....they dug a huge hole together back in the summer :lol


    My pockets and treat bags were never safe from the very tall boy and I will miss him. I know his Mum and Dad are heartbroken and his "siblings" Florence and Seql miss him too.


    Run free you big hairy loony....my pockets will never be the same.

  5. My personal opinion is that you need to work on building her confidence before doing recall work, you will probably find that she will be easier to teach a good recall once that is in place, the only trouble is it could take some time so just be patient. Your more confident dog should help to show her what you require, but be careful to train her in a safe environment.


    My first ex racer Sadi was scared of everything and extremely fear aggressive to other dogs when we got her, after 10 months hard work she got over her fears and because I had spent all that time getting her to focus on me she had the most wonderful recall for the rest of her eight years with me. Wishing you all the best.

  6. I can't quite tell from the picture, but is it just the middle two toes that are deviating? I wonder if they got broken and just fused that way?


    My angel Mulder never raced as I had him from a puppy but he had the lumpiest toes I have ever seen on a dog, he had bleeds into all of the joints at one time or another and the lumps were caused by calcification....this actually served to stabilise the joints and he never had any further problems with them...they were just ugly! :lol


    Johnny has one wonky toe on a hind foot, the webbing between the toes is also completely torn so I assume he did himself some damage, doesn't seem to bother him though.

  7. I have been told by a number of greyhound vet savey vets that greyhounds ideally should not be over 5 pounds from what their race weight was. My girl Peace was 17 pounds over at one point- Oops! She embraced retirement.

    My angel Sadi raced at 30.5kg but when we got her she weighed 34! She was a bit of a chunky monkey, but we soon got her back in shape, the trouble was she lived on fresh air so I suppose when she stopped racing the weight just piled on.

  8. Just an update: her nail fell off today! I wiped off the area gently and it looks ok so far, maybe a little swollen.


    You might find that that dewclaw will get pulled off again, I know with my angel Sadi there was one she was always losing and the Labradoodle that I walk eventually had surgery to remove his because it kept getting pulled off.

    It does appear that they become weakened, but as others have said it usually just means it's a bit sore for a couple of days and you just need to keep it clean until it hardens and dries.

  9. Are you absolutely sure that she is actually growling?


    I ask because my boy Johnny is a "groaner" ....when he is happy and comfortable he does the most wonderful groans of pleasure :lol and, yes, I have sometimes mistaken them for a growl.


    I am probably more wary than some because my angel Sadi was space aggressive and super growly in her early days with us, she continued to be growly all her life but she never actually followed it through....she used to do a wonderful nighttime routine with DH which I wish I had recorded because it had to be seen to be believed!


    It may be that she is growling just like my Sadi, but more as a way of just communicating rather than as a threat.

  10. From what I understand it is more common in small breeds (it is also common in miniature horses)...... Although it is obviously not impossible for a Grey to have it. There is thought to be a strong genetic element to it and therefore this would probably explain why it would be rare in Greyhounds as it would not be compatible with such an athletic breed.


    There would seem to be a greater risk of arthritis in those individuals which are affected so there would possibly be some benefit to some kind of preventative treatment.


    Have you even seen his leg "locking"?

  11. He recalls fine in the house but as soon as we are outside he runs especially if we recall him from a stay. We do reward with treats and as soon as he know we have them he stops running but it takes a treat or two to get him to stop. I don't know if a squawker since I just played some squawker calls for him and he didn't even look up (maybe this is why he only raced a handful of times).

    This is why I said move onto an enclosed area, it takes a while for dogs to generalise recall training to different environments.....if he gets the opportunity to not respond to your recall he will probably continue to do so, especially as you have had him for two years.


    Please don't take what I have written as criticism, a good recall is hard to train. Flynn clearly loves to run for fun, if you can find somewhere that he can do this safely whilst working on improving his recall then you can all be happy. (My boy Johnny does not appear to love to run just for the joy of it, which is a first for me and makes me a little sad, but I've only had him seven months so maybe that will change....it took him six months to realise he was allowed to sleep on the sofa :lol)

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