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Posts posted by LadyBailey


    This from the acupuncturist that Bailey is going to see on Monday...


    "Acupuncture is one of the safest forms of medical treatment for animals when administered by a properly trained veterinarian. Side effects of acupuncture are rare, but they may occur. An animal's condition may seem worse for up to 48 hours after a treatment."


    But I think an xray should be done asap. Sending prayers

  2. Good to hear that he is home and doing well. Our vet told us not to feed Andy anything after his dental and just give him water and then go back to normal feedings in the morning. They never did this before but have started this protocol as of late. We gave Andy a small snack before bed time when he had his dental done last month and really he didn't even care for food... and is something, since that is his #1 passion.




  3. Your vet can contact him or you can send an email to:

    greyhound@cvm.osu.edu and copy Dr Couto at couto.1@osu.edu


    Good Luck.


    By the way for the past month their email server has been acting up, so some messages haven't gotten through. So if you don't hear from them within 48 hours - definitely follow up again.




  4. I have been meaning to post photos of how we are honoring and remembering Carrier and how we find it really comforting and today I finally did! The last few weeks have been hard. I've been mad, sad, feeling guilty... you name it, the emotion has passed over me. I know that feeling all too well of missing them so much that it takes your breath away. It happened to me a few times last week. My emotions come in waves... actually more like tidal waves... I can be thinking about Carrier and laughing and then immediately break down.... and I let myself... I let it all out and cry so bloody hard ... I have never in my 32 years cried like this and we have lost close family, but for me... Carrier was my boy, my heart and my soul... it was an honor caring for him and having him in our lives.


    And now it's my honor to continue to keep his spirit alive and strong just like when he was physically here. When Carrier left us, the first thing we did was pull out even more photos of him and added them to where his candle burned since he was diagnosed. Soon after he left us, cards and flowers arrived for our boy and those too were

    added to what was becoming the "shrine" ...the photos, his candle, pj's, CoG blanket, Lambies and collars. Then Carrier came home... his beautiful urn that we choose especially for him. A granite stone

    with two candles that symbolized him being our second dog. The granite was so organic looking - it resembled the earth, air, water, grass, animals... all those beautiful things that Carrier loved. And

    it was heavy! Just like him when Tim had to carry him - how appropriate we thought :)... but not only was it heavy, it was solid - rock solid - just like Carrier. It cost a fortune :) , but we didn't care - this was for Carrier. We also had an impression of his beautiful strong paw that carried him through this journey. All of these beautiful memories soon created quite the shrine to our boy.


    After Carrier left us, the spring flowers started blooming, so every few days a new bouquet or two or three adorn his shrine. I go out every day and cut fresh flowers for him and add them to the arrangements. If we are home, his candles are lit. We tell him goodnight as we go up to bed and that we love him. We sort of worship him :) and it feels good. We have been looking for the perfect memory box so we can add all of his things when we are ready - but for now they adorn our home. I have been taking photos because I want to remember what everything looked like when we were going through this... each day I take a photo when new flowers are add or

    new cards arrive. I want to share these photos with you.


    My God we miss him, but we will surely never, ever forget him - not even for a minute. He might not be here for us to hug but when you walk into our home, you know that a very special boy lived here. His

    collar comes on walks with us - I hold it as I watch Bailey, Andy and Ella enjoying life - knowing that Carrier is watching down on us - sometimes as we walk we have butterflies flying with us the whole way - I like to think that that is Carrier...in fact I know it is, because he's in my heart where ever we go. Sweet Boy...we love you.




    Here is his "shrine" after he passed





    Here is Carrier's Urn and Paw Print



    His photos adorn the wall



    More of his "shrine"



    More flowers from my brother and SIL



    "Shrine" on the 18th of April



    "Shrine" as of today




  5. Our Carrier was on Tramadol after his amputation. One of the side effects we were told was: " can sometimes cause hallucinations and "funny" behaviour". This is directly from Dr Couto.

    Carrier seemed to have these when we gave it to him for longer than a day. However, the drug worked well for him when the pain needed to be taken away.




  6. Andy had a dental just over a week ago and we were really nervous because he is terrified of the vet. He hasn't gone under since we had him, so we never knew what we were going to be in store for. Considering that we had to sedate him before hand and then were able to hold him (literally) while he was being anesthetized, helped him a lot. He went under at 9:30 and by noon he was coming out of it. we were able to pick him up by 2:30. They told us not to feed him until the next day. Which we thought was going to be a problem since he is very food driven, but he came home and was really, really tired and slept the evening away. we gave him small snack (soft food) at around 9pm and he was fine throughout the night. good luck, i know the feeling, but it sounds like you are taking all the precautions for your boy. the smell of fresh breath is worth it :lol

  7. Bailey is neurotic - in the most endearing way of course! But because she is like this, it can be hard to gauge if something is bothering her or if she is just being "Bailey".


    For a long time now, she had been licking her forearms. Not so much to the point where she has made them raw - all of her fur is still intact, but she will lick, and lick, and lick there until we finally distract her. Most of the time we will just rub the area and she seems to love it. She is eating Orijen Adult but before this was on Canidae and she did this then as well, so I am thinking it's not a food allergy.


    We have been taking her to a chiro for adjustments as she has some major knots in and around her shoulder blades. They actually spasm right down her rib cage when we massage them. She doesn't like the massage or the heating pad, so it's hard to really do it for a long time. My theory was that she was licking her forearms because she might find comfort in that as if to soothe the pain/discomfort that she is experiencing in her shoulders, since she can't reach there with her tongue.


    We are thinking of get her legs X-rayed and I was also thinking of acupuncture to help with the knots.


    She isn't showing any signs of lameness and is walking normally - we went for a two hour walk in the fields yesterday and she had no problem... but I did notice an increase in the licking afterwards.

    Anyone have any ideas on this or any other tips on what we can do to make her more comfortable?





  8. Andy is our resident runner. We have a track around our house thanks to his love of doing laps. A couple of months ago I noticed when he finished running his tongue was white and returned back to normal after about 30 seconds. Twice this week I have noticed the same thing. I know the heart pumps extra blood to the muscles when they are being used but I was surprised to see his tongue turn white after this. Our history with Carrier's heart problems has me paranoid, so I thought I would ask the question. Is this normal? Andy is otherwise completely acting fine.




  9. Bold Carrier

    October 13, 1997 ~ March 30, 2008


    Carrier ~ Care Bear, Bear Bear, The Bear – some of the many names we called you. I remember when I first saw you on the adoption page at Race the Wind in Kansas. I fell in love instantly and called Tim. I told him I found you… Bailey’s littermate! He said, “Get him!” I said, “But he’s in Kansas! But the answer was still “Get him”. So dad drove down to Kansas to pick you up. You came into our home as if you were always here. It was amazing being able to reunite you and Bailey. We saw that special bond right from the beginning. You were the fortunate one that was never put in place by Bailey…Andy and Ella not so much.


    You were our alpha male that was the most gentle soul. We always said we could trust you with a baby, that’s how gentle and loving we knew you were. I remember one day when our friends came over with their two little girls. You were asleep in the den on the couch and we went in to see what the girls were doing. They took every dog toy from the basket and placed it around you…all we could see was your sweet face peaking out and you couldn’t have been happier. We know that in your last home you lived with a very special girl, named Janae and I think she helped make you like this…gentle & calm… you loved children. You also loved people…probably more so than other dogs we think. You were always the one pulling to say hello with your happy face and big eyes and tail wagging. And then how you would lean into them and they would give you rubs. You would do this as we would take you guys for a pee in the yard. Thinking you were going to do your business, you would instead come jaunting towards us and then lean with all our body weight on our legs. Sometimes you would even catch us off guard and practically push us over with your strong leaning. God, we miss that.


    The house is quiet without you sweet Bear. You always made sure to let us know where you were. You were a wonderful communicator and we always knew what you wanted or needed. We always knew where you were because that big black nose of yours was always pushing things around. It was the most wonderful sound to hear. You would push the door against the wall, with the door handle banging, banging, as you would wait for your food. I would tell you, “I’m working on it buddy! ;)” but it never seemed quick enough for you...you little monkey. Or those times when you would lick and push around the bottles for recycling sitting at the back door, ever so often we would hear one fall and you would walk away like it wasn’t you. And when you wanted fresh water, you would bang the water bowl making sure most of the water that you didn’t want was on the floor. You always brought a smile to you face with “badness” and we loved it all. You also lived up to your name, Carrier. You would clean up after the others and carry toys back into the living room. We know you loved your routine and if was somewhat modified, you would let us know that this was not working for you and you would be sure to carry one of our belongings into your bed or jus drop it in the middle of he house… giving us just enough of a message to let us know that we were close to losing that item.

    If something was out of place, it was because you carried it there. You would carry the clean collars from the laundry room into the living room and every so often we would come home and our slippers would be there too. I remember the one time you carried 6 water bottles from the kitchen to the den. I can just see you, taking one by one, thinking, “this will teach them!” I’m sorry that sometimes schedules changed, but you know that you and the others are the centre of our world and always a top priority.


    You came into our lives just as we were starting a new chapter. We adopted you on June 5, 2002. Two months later we were getting married and buying our first home. You and Bailey were there for all of those times. In the car when we went to look at our first home, on our honeymoon to Prince Edward Island, you guys went everywhere with us.


    You loved long walks and we made sure to give you those as often as we could. Our drives down to the beach on Sunday mornings and you would walk along the shore always looking back to make sure that we weren’t too far behind. Or our trail walks where you would smell deer and spot rabbits well before the other three even had clue. My goodness you loved the deer. I remember one time we climb the hill in Paris, the whole time tracking the deer and just as we got to the top, they were out of sight. You sat down and cried. You were so sad that you weren’t able to follow them. I’m sorry, but we didn’t want to lose you.


    You introduced us to so many wonderful traits that we never saw or heard before. Your sweet roo that you demanded each morning. People loved hearing you roo. The house is so quiet with you. One week after you left us, Andy stood on the porch and started a roo. Ella joined, but Bailey just watched. I don’t know why they tried, but I don’t think they were ready. We haven’t had a proper roo since you left us, but I promise you we will once we are all ready.


    We loved how you would trance in the palm plant or in the bushes outside. All we could see was your cute furry bum sticking out and you ever so gently walked around and then all of a sudden your big brown eyes would peak out the other end.

    We loved how you would dig the largest holes in the yard, but never sit in them… that was for your sister to do. You were a good brother to her and always watched out for the others when they needed you.


    We loved how you were never able to kill anything even though you had caught many squirrels. They all got away alive! The funny time when you had gotten up to eat an ant that was crossing your path and in the end we were the ones that had to remove the ant from our lip because you didn’t even kill it. You were a gentle boy. Your Lambies that you have had for 5 years are still intact, squeaker and all. Don’ worry sweetheart – they will remain safe.


    As we saw you getting older, we decided that it was time to move to a more suitable house – Operation: Bungalow for the Bear. When we found this house, we knew it would be perfect for you – no stairs to climb and a big yard, quiet yard to suntan in.

    We are glad that you were able to enjoy one summer there and a warm cozy winter in front of the fire. I would have given anything for you to feel the warm soft grass under your feet this spring. As the snow began to melt, you were thrilled to find patches of grass. I watched you dig you last hole the night before you left us. That spot is still there and I go and stand there often and smile as I know that you left us a mark.


    There were so many things that we loved about you Carrier and we will never forget you. You are so deep in our hearts that you will forever be with us no matter where we go or how old we get.


    When we found out that you were sick, we were devastated. We promised you that would give you the best care and always make sure that the decisions we made were for you and not for us. You were so brave and we knew that you knew where you were going when we would get into the car for that long drive to Ohio. But you never complained. You stole people’s hearts when they met you – right down to the guards at the boarder – that was always funny because we were always waved through when they saw your sweet face peering out the window.


    It was an honor caring for you. I am thankful that I was able to be off for the last 5 months so it allowed for me to be home with you, sleep with you during the nights when you were not feeling well, take you for walks during the day when the sun was shining and just rub and hug you when you needed it. You taught us so much. You were the one battling this disease, yet you never complained until it was unbearable for you. You were always ready to roo, play with your toys and go for walks. Your strength gave us strength and hope.


    Carrier, you were a most wonderful friend and we miss you so much. We hope you are happy and your body whole again. Your first mom, Cindy painted this picture of you called “It’s good to be alive.” You will be alive with us forever. Your spirit in our hearts and your presence felt always.




    Run free and feel the soft grass on your feet, dig big holes, roo as loud as you can and drink Guinness our dear sweet boy. We love you.


    Mum, Dad, Bailey, Andy and Ella





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