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Posts posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Or one could use my simpler equation: If it feels yucky, we don't go out. :lol


    so zoomdoggy, how yucky could it possibly be in MN? :lol


    Ha, you laugh, but my blood has become thick up here. When it's in the high 90's with a dewpoint of 70+, We're wilting. :(


    But then I'm just as intolerant of our extreme cold too. :lol Why oh why can't autumn last longer??

  2. I haven't been through your scenario, but after following all your posts recently, I feel as though I have. I'm so sorry things are so rough right now. I had the same thought as Luckydog-- would it be possible to cushion the van more for the ride to OSU? I'm talking princess-and-the-pea style-- lots of cushy foam padding to absorb shock from road bumps...

  3. Today's update:


    Chancy's been continuing to do well over the past few days. Her breathing has been great, no coughing, no problems eating or drinking. Her tummy even seems possibly less swollen. My only concern (and I may be over-analyzing at this point), is that her energy level seems a tad lower than I would have expected. She happily greeted me at the door after work yesterday, but not with her customary bouncy glee. Same with her walk this morning. She wagged when I picked up her leash, but didn't paw at me or grin or stomp on my feet like she usually does... It's very humid out today, so our am walk today was very short and slow.

  4. Tipper dislocated a toe about a month ago on a Sunday. I called the e-vet and described the injury. They said unless it changed (became very swollen/painful) it could wait until the next day so we could see our regular vet. Tip's foot never swelled at all, just had one toe pointing sideways inward toward the others. He even walked on it with barely a limp, but developed a sore on the side of the toe that was now facing the ground. The next day I brought him to my regular vet, who was able to fix it with light sedation. It was packed and bandaged for two weeks, and has shown no signs of re-injury since. If I'd had the nerve, perhaps I could've fixed it myself. But never having done it, I was way too squeamish.


    In the meantime, you can try putting cold packs on the foot to alleviate pain and swelling.


    Good luck with Stella's poor footie! :goodluck

  5. The natural motion as a dog runs up the stairs is to throw its head back. It takes 2-3 weeks for the scarring to completely heal. I know she must feel so much better being able to breath now but you may want to keep her quiet for a while.


    Silent breathing is music to your ears isn't it.


    My Chancy has never "run" up the stairs in the two years I've had her. :lol Fear not, her activity level remains low, despite her increased energy. :) And yes, it's so quiet around here, it's almost eerie.


    She's doing well. We just got home from a nice long car ride around town to run some errands. Hubby chauffeured us and patiently waited in the van's AC with the pups while I darted in & out of places, getting stuff done. What a nice guy. :wub:

  6. Way to go Chancey! I think of how she had wanted to romp in my backyard and didn't have the breath to do it - and now she will, I just know it! :confetti


    I'm thinking with her having the ability to take a real breath for the first time in a long time that she is going to recover quicker than you can imagine. I'll look to see if you're out in the yard Sunday afternoon when I wheel my mom by your house from Sweet Lorraine's to Providence Place.


    Way to go! :gh_face Carole


    I may not be home that afternoon, but if I'm not, my hubby will be. If it's hot out, the pups don't lounge outside much. Don't be shy about knocking on the door if you've a moment to visit. :)


    Chancy's pretty new harness arrived today! :yay:

  7. Chancy has always been a foot-scuffer the whole two years I've had her (LS). Typically she doesn't bleed from the nails unless I walk her too far over concrete. She usually sticks to walking on the grass alongside the sidewalk. But this time they just cut her nails too short.


    Are those Soft Claws available in pet stores or just online?

  8. Chancy has all of seven teeth, so she hasn't had any hard crunchy stuff in a looong time. :lol Interestingly, both hubby and I have noticed that the loud "gulping" noise she used to make when swallowing has disappeared. I take that as a good sign. :D


    One more positive side-effect from this surgery... I had suspected that Chancy was starting to lose her hearing, but that has improved since yesterday too. I think she just couldn't hear well over her own loud raspy breathing!

  9. We had a peaceful night. The most peaceful in recent memory. I startled awake a few times, only because I couldn't hear her breathing. :lol


    We did a slow walk around the block this am. Her gait has improved with the easier breathing. She's less wobbly today than she has been for the past few weeks. She has diarrhea, but that's likely due to the anesthesia and the diet changes I've thrown at her the last two days. I expect that to resolve quickly.


    We had a minor "incident" when we arrived home from our spin around the block. Just as I was about to coax Chancy indoors, I saw blood pooling around her foot. Around the un-bandaged foot. I quickly realized that they had trimmed her nails way too short yesterday, and Chancy's usual scuffing of her feet on the sidewalk had caused two nails to bleed from the quick. Dang, I'd forgotten how much those buggers can bleed! Our patio looks like a murder scene. :eek: I don't have styptic powder on hand, so I tried to use baking flour, mostly just succeeding in creating a bloody gluey mess. After a few minutes, the bleeding stopped and I put a boot on her for an hour or so, just to prevent her messing with it.


    Now the hounds are all napping in their beds, the cats are hunting flies, and my peaceable kingdom prevails once more. :)

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