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Posts posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Tipper received another card from his very thoughtful Santa today. He's not sure what Provence means either, but is hoping it's a culinary reference to the pictured monopod rooster... :chow: (Tip's owner, on the other hand, would be delighted if the rooster image is not a foreshadowing of a live crowing gift in Tipper's near future :lol )


    Tipper and Dazzle are both very grateful for the charming card, however Tipper wants to clarify one detail for Santa, for the record...


    Although Tipper has been a very very good boy almost the entire year, he's really concerned that his goodness may not carry the weight of both himself and his new sister Dazzle in Santa's eyes. There was that incident with the rabbit in the yard last winter, after all, not to mention the dirt and mulch-eating binges... :unsure Tipper wants to assure Santa that though he will certainly continue to be as good as he possibly can (despite Dazzle's attempts to walk on his head) Dazzle does in fact have her own Secret Santa to behave for.


    All of that said, Tipper promises to do his best at sharing, if need be, because that's the kind of sweet boy he is. :heart


    Thanks Tipper's Santa, for thinking of us all. :)

  2. Day five, and Dazzling is doing very very well. :) She is responding very well to the cat-training so far. I know it will be a long haul, but I am encouraged by her behavior thus far. She is starting to show initiative on learning the stairs too. She actually climbs the five steps to the back door, rather than vaulting clear over them. :lol The indoor steps are still very steep and a bit nerve-wracking, but I can tell she's starting to get the idea.


    Smart little pixie. :wub:

  3. Well today's Dazzle's first big test: her first whole work day alone in the house. She did very well for the several "alone tests" we did over the weekend, so I feel optimistic that the house will be unharmed when I return home. She and Tip are both muzzled and allowed free access to the main floor, while the cats are shut away upstairs. We're still working on getting Dazzle to be less interested in Zorba (and prolly will be working on that for some time). :rolleyes:




  4. Bad morning. It's been four weeks today since I had to let my little Marla go. When I got dressed today, I pulled a sweater out of the cedar chest and didn't realize until I got to work that it was the sweater I wore when I took Marla to the vet the day she died. I hadn't washed it since then, and there are still a few little black-velvet hairs embedded in the knit.


    I miss my little wipey-face who loved having her eyeballs rubbed. My soft soft sweet little girlie with the dainty little paws... :cry1

  5. Day two, and Dazzling is doing very well. She does have more interest in one of our cats than I'm comfortable with, so that will take some work. And she is VERY interested in the neighborhood squirrel population on our walks.


    She was alone for three hours yesterday, muzzled and with the cats shut away on a different floor. I came home and crept around to a window where I could see the dog beds. Both Tip and Dazzle were nestled in, sleeping peacefully. :wub:


    All in all she's a good girl. Just may take a little more work than I am accustomed to. :)

  6. What's rather funny is that I've had four greyhounds, but Dazzling is my first who is a fresh retiree. All my others have been bounces, so some of this "newness" is a little new to me. Last night Dazzle bumped her muzzle a few times into the glass front of a curio cabinet, wondering why her head stopped at the glass. :lol Can't wait to see what she thinks when she notices the aquarium...

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