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Posts posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Thankfully, vet bills are not a thing we even discuss. We simply do what we feel is right. This actually means I do what I feel is right, but that's not to say hubby has no say in the matter, just that he trusts my judgement, as the dogs are primarily my territory. I can't imagine being with someone who would toss jabs at me about vet bills, especially vet bills for a beloved pet who is fighting cancer. Unfathomable. Even if finances were especially tight, the jabs are not helpful in any way, nor would they change my vet-related decisions in the future.

  2. It's unlikely that adding fish oil to his diet would affect his eye discharge. It's possible that it could be an allergy to the new food, but I'd wonder also about environmental possibilities. How long have you had him? Has this ever happened before, particularly in the springtime? How old is he?


    If the discharge is not particularly green or yellow (or in copious amounts), it's not something to panic over. But it could be an indicator that something is starting to happen (excess eye discharge was an early sign of my Tipper's pannus, for example), and a visit to a veterinary ophthalmologist might be in your near future.

  3. that lump looks very similar to the lump pokey had. coincidentally, hers was also on her sternum. the vet told me it looked to be just a fatty tumor, and wasn't too concerned about it unless it were to grow. it did grow a little, but not enough to cause concern.


    fingers crossed that happy's growth is the same thing. :)



    I wish I had a picture but I don't. Anyway LaceyLaine had one in the exact same spot. They did a needle aspirate and it was just fat cells and they did not remove it - just watched it. Chanting prayers your way. :grouphug


    Glad you already know the bump is benign. My Marla had a lump that looked precisely like that, in precisely the same location. My vet (the most grey-savvy in the Twin Cities) was unconcerned about it. And this was at the same time we had removed several other truly ugly little skin growths. :)


    He did discount the idea of corns; "We don't really see true corns in dogs," going on to explain about their thick pads and how they adapt to the surfaces they are exposed to habitually, until I told him about Wabi's, which is quite classic.


    Of this I would be very skeptical. What we often call "corns" on greyhound feet may not be medically identical to a corn on a human foot, but they are growths in the foot pad tissue which can cause extreme discomfort to the dog. I've had two "corndogs" ;) who had no other joint/muscle/bone problems who would limp like crazy when walking on hard rough surfaces with those poor sore feet. The growths can be very hard to see, but once addressed, the pain goes away like magic! Have you tried something simple and temporary like putting Therapaw boots on the affected feet to see if it helps the limping? (sorry if you've already done this and I missed it)


    The cough when her throat is touched rings a bell somehow... I vaguely recall my vet mentioning some things about the possibilities for this when my Marla was being seen for breathing problems. I wish I could recall what he'd said now (as it turned out for Marla, her throat was not her chief problem :( ). That's one for which I'll be interested to hear what ideas your vet has.



    Oh and lastly, congrats on adopting such a lovely lucky ol' gal. Please give her a smoochie from me. :wub:


  4. Oh no! I didn't make the connection that this was Daphne formerly of MN until I saw the latest newsletter. Daphne is a beautiful beautiful girlie, dainty and elegant and with the loveliest ears ever, and I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

  5. You don't have to switch to canned if you don't want to. You can pre-soak the kibble for each meal ahead of time so it's good & soft. The advantage of this is then you don't have the potential problems caused by changing diets while trying to recover from surgery.


    What I did was at each mealtime, I'd prepare a spare bowl for the following meal by putting in the regular amount of kibble, and adding warm water and/or chicken broth until the kibble is covered. Then let it soak in the refrigerator for at least a few hours before feeding so it's nice and "gummable." Then right before feeding, I'd add a little more warm water and stir, just to take the chill out and make it a little soupy. :chow: My poor toothless Chancy got by this way for a good long time with no problem. She also enjoyed soft treats like bologna, hotdog bits, soft bread bits, cheese, things like that.


    The first couple of days will be hard. He'll probably drool oozy blood for a day or two, and leave the water dish a festive red. If he's reticent about eating at first, you can try offering meat babyfood, just to get his appetite going.


    Good luck. :goodluck

  6. Try adding acidophilus supplements twice daily while he's on the antibios (can pick them up at any health food store, and many regular grocery stores near the vitamins & such). It will help re-establish the "good" bacteria in his digestive system, and help alleviate the tummy upset.


    It sucks when you feel so helpless. :sad1 Hang in there, and know you're doing what you can for your beloved boy.

  7. The Vet I am going to is highly respected and knowledgable in the treatment of Greyhounds. He has seen thousands of Greys over the years. So I trust that I am getting the right information from him.


    I just dont know what the High WBC level like that means. I should have asked...I know. :blink:


    I'm guessing you're seeing Dr. Barr now. He has great "bedside" manner and is always happy to answer questions. I have often in the past called the office for non-emergency questions, asked for his voicemail and he calls me back within a couple of hours. Otis is in good hands with him. :) I hope Otis feels better fast! :goodluck

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